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Who is this number 01913?

Who is this number 01913?

đź’ˇ 01913 is the area code for Durham and the surrounding area.

Is 0204 a local number?

0204 is just an extension of London’s 020 area code. So, 0204 is simply a standard landline number for London.

Which area code is 01912?

01912 Area Code reported phone numbers Tyneside.

Who called me 01903919814?

Received a missed call from 01903919814 and wanting to know who this is? According to our reports, 01903919814 belongs to Cabot Financial Debt Recovery, a debt collecting company that tries to collect unsecured debts from you.

Is 01903 a mobile number?

The 01903 area code is a 4 digit geographical dialling code (excluding the zero) used in telecommunications for the Worthing area. The local telephone numbers within the 01903 are 6 digits long.

What is a cost trap call?

The free version of TrapCall reveals the name and number of the caller, while two other more expensive packages, priced at $9.95 and $24.95, offer more advanced features, such as voicemail transcription sent to your e-mail and the ability to record all your incoming calls at the touch of a button.

Who called me 0191 2826222?

South Tyneside Council If you have tested positive for COVID-19 you may be contacted by a local contact tracer to gather details of your close contacts and to ask if you need any support. The call will come from 0191 282 6222.

What area code is 01913?

Durham utilizes the 01913 area code for connecting via landline or mobile phones. It is a town of county Durham located in North East England. Presently the region has more than 800,000 numbers each beginning with the 01913 area code. This code of Durham has been around for almost twenty-five years.

Is this phone number 01913410213 an energy phone spam?

⚠️ According to our users’ reports, there is a high probability that the telephone number 01913410213 that called you is an energy phone spam! There are no main keywords in the report that helps us to understand the risks associated with this number or the caller’s profile.

Who does the +44 01913870118 phone belong to?

⚠️ According to our user’s reports, there is a high possibility that the telephone number 01913870118 that called you truly belongs to local council. Currently, we do not have any official confirmation, so we advise you to be cautious when speaking with the caller.