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How did Peter the Great treat the peasants?

How did Peter the Great treat the peasants?

A handful of Peter’s slightly more progressive reforms imitated Enlightenment ideals; he did, for example, create a new class of serfs, known as state peasants, who had broader rights than ordinary serfs, but paid dues to the state.

What social reforms did Peter the Great make?

He created a strong navy, reorganized his army according to Western standards, secularized schools, administered greater control over the reactionary Orthodox Church and introduced new administrative and territorial divisions of the country.

How did Peter the Great affect society?

Peter the Great modernized Russia—which, at the start of his rule, had greatly lagged behind the Western countries—and transformed it into a major power. Through his numerous reforms, Russia made incredible progress in the development of its economy and trade, education, science and culture, and foreign policy.

What was the social structure of the Russian empire?

The social structure in Imperial Russia was greatly influenced by feudalism, a system where nobles received land from the Crown and the land was then worked by peasants. At the bottom of the social order were serfs, who were tied to the land that they worked.

How did Peter the Great view Serfdom?

Peter III created two measures in 1762 that influenced the abolition of serfdom. He ended mandatory military service for nobles with the abolition of compulsory noble state service. This provided a rationale to end serfdom.

How did Peter the Great subjugate nobles?

Through a series of reforms, Peter the Great made laws that made his nobles (especially boyars) aware that they were under his control, but did not anger them. In this way, he successfully subjugated them without making them want to rebel.

What were the reforms of Peter the Great and how did they affect Russian society?

Peter the Great was determined to reform the domestic structure of Russia. He had a simple desire to push Russia – willingly or otherwise – into the modern era as existed then. While his military reforms were ongoing, he reformed the church, education and areas of Russia’s economy.

How did Peter the Great change the economy?

Trade and entrepreneurship is the major pillars supporting the economy of a country. Peter the Great tried to protect the Russian economy in any way. He aimed that the amount of exported goods would overcome the amount of imported goods from the abroad. At the end of his rule, he achieved that goal.

How did Peter the Great control the economy?

Peter the Great tried to protect the Russian economy in any way. He aimed that the amount of exported goods would overcome the amount of imported goods from the abroad. At the end of his rule, he achieved that goal. The amount of exported goods was double the amount of imported goods.

What are the class systems in Russia?

Class divisions in Russia

  • The ruling class. The ruling class was made up of the Tsar and the royal family.
  • The nobility. The upper class owned all the land and was dependent on the Tsar.
  • Middle class.
  • Working class.
  • Peasants.

What was social structure of Russia before the revolution?

Answer. Before the Russian Revolution of 1917, the majority of the Russians were peasants which were 80-82%. The upper class consisted of royalty, nobility and clergy men who constituted about 12-13% and the rest was 4-6%, were the working and the middle class people.

How did Peter the Great subjugate Nobles?