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How do I choose a heat pipe?

How do I choose a heat pipe?

When selecting the diameter and length of heat pipe it is important to consider the orientation with respect to gravity and overall heat load for the thermal system. The transport of vapor within the heat pipe is responsible for the thermal conduction from one end to the other.

Is heat pipe better than copper?

The effective thermal conductivity of a heat pipe is up to 90 times greater than the solid copper for the same size. Lighter in weight when compared to solid copper of the same size.

How much heat can a heat pipe move?

Three 6mm heat pipes can carry 38 watts each = 114 watts, while the two 8mm flat can carry a total of 104 watts.

How long can a heat pipe be?

Spacecraft heat pipes are usually under 10 feet (3 m) long, and the extra length is allowed because they operate in zero gravity. When a heat pipe works with gravity, called a thermosyphon, the length can be virtually unlimited, and you’ll find many in lengths up to hundreds of feet (m).

How effective are heat pipes?

Due to the very high heat transfer coefficients for boiling and condensation, heat pipes are highly effective thermal conductors. The effective thermal conductivity varies with heat pipe length, and can approach 100 kW/(m⋅K) for long heat pipes, in comparison with approximately 0.4 kW/(m⋅K) for copper.

How good are heat pipes?

What is a heat pipe 2 points?

What Are Heat Pipes? Heat pipes are highly efficient conductors of heat and can transport, in some cases, 1000’s times better than a solid copper conductor. A heat pipe is sealed under a vacuum with a small, prescribed amount of working fluid.

Do heat pipes dry out?

A heat pipe can operate at heat loads exceeding the capillary limit for brief time periods without drying out. Dryout occurs if power pulse durations exceed a time-to-dryout, which may lead to temperature hysteresis.

Do heat pipes wear out?

Heat Pipes are inherently robust and are a purely passive system that does not wear down over time as active systems often do.