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How do I install everything in Gemfile?

How do I install everything in Gemfile?

run the command bundle install in your shell, once you have your Gemfile created. This command will look your Gemfile and install the relevant Gems on the indicated versions. The Gemfiles are installed because in your Gemfile you are pointing out the source where the gems can be downloaded from.

How do I install Gemfile bundles?

Install Bundler

  1. Select Tools | Bundler | Install Bundler from the main menu.
  2. Press Ctrl twice and execute the gem install bundler command in the invoked popup.
  3. Open the RubyMine terminal emulator and execute the gem install bundler command.

Where do I put Gemfile?

A Gemfile describes the gem dependencies required to execute associated Ruby code. Place the Gemfile in the root of the directory containing the associated code. For instance, in a Rails application, place the Gemfile in the same directory as the Rakefile .

How do you create a Gemfile in Ruby?

Creating a Gem From Scratch

  1. Create the basic file structure of the gem: Fire up your shell and create the directories that will be needed in your gem: $ mkdir awesome_gem $ cd awesome_gem $ mkdir lib.
  2. Create the gemspec.
  3. Add some code.
  4. Generate the gem file.
  5. Install the gem.
  6. Add The Gem to Another Ruby Program.

What is Ruby Gemfile?

A Gemfile is a file that is created to describe the gem dependencies required to run a Ruby program. A Gemfile should always be placed in the root of the project directory.

How do I install missing gems?

3 Answers

  1. Step One: Install Bundler. Open a terminal window on a computer connected to the internet and cd to the application directory, then, enter the following at the command line. $ gem install bundler.
  2. Step Two: Install Required Gems. Ask bundle to install all the gems specified in the Gemfile to your application.

How do I run a bundle file?

Install VMware Workstation or VMware Player from a . bundle file

  1. Open a terminal (Ubuntu keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Alt+T).
  2. Change directory where the bundle installation file was saved. cd dir.
  3. Substituting the file name, type the following command: sudo sh VMware-Workstation-xxxx-xxxx.architecture.bundle. CentOS.

How do I open a Gemfile file?

Ruby GEM files can be installed using the “gem install GEMNAME [options]” command. You may also use the “gem list -r -d” command to list the gems installed on a network.

What is a Ruby Gemfile?

How do I get Gemfile?

A gemfile is automatically created when you start a new rails application. type rails new appName and then it will be generated automatically. It will also be populated with some gems.

Where is the Ruby Gemfile?

Gemfile is a file which must be located in root of your rails project. It is used for describing gem dependencies for Ruby programs.

Where are the gems installed in rails?

What’s more, the gems are installed to directory vendor/bundle, with the bundle directory being auto created. Also, new directory .bundle is created directly under the rails root directory, and has a file named config, whose content is as follows

How do I get bundler to work with different gem versions?

Just delete the lock file and do bundle again. As @Emrah said, if the project’s gemfile is well written, it’s supposed to declare the required gems versions. Therefore you should simply delete the gemfile.lock and run bundler and it should work. BTW, what project is it?

Is it safe to delete a gem file?

Deleting Gemfile.lock is actually not the best idea as it might result in an unintended and unsupported update of gem versions, especially with older apps where the gem versions have been loosely defined and will not survive a major version update. Show activity on this post.