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How do I make an Ishikawa diagram in Word?

How do I make an Ishikawa diagram in Word?

How to make a fishbone diagram in Word

  1. Locate the Shapes drop-down box. In your Word document, go to Insert > Shapes—everything needed for your fishbone diagram will be found there.
  2. Create the “head” and “spine” of your diagram.
  3. Add additional lines.
  4. Customize your diagram.
  5. Add content or save as a template.

Does Microsoft have a fishbone diagram?

There is no fishbone diagram template available in Word’s online library. So, you will have to make the diagram manually. You can create a Fishbone Diagram from scratch using the Shapes tool. Although if you want, you can download a template from a good website and import and customize it in Word.

How do I create a Ishikawa diagram in Excel?

Go to Insert tab, click Shape, choose the corresponding shapes in the drop-down list and add them onto the worksheet. Go to Insert tab or select a shape, go to Format tab, choose Lines from the shape gallery and add lines into the diagram. After adding lines, the main structure of the fishbone diagram will be outlined.

How do you draw a Ishikawa diagram?

How to make a fishbone diagram

  1. Step 1 – Define the problem. The first step to solving any problem, and the key to a successful fishbone diagram, is to correctly define the problem.
  2. Step 2 – Decide on key categories of causes.
  3. Step 3 – Determine actual causes of the problem.
  4. Step 4 – Using tools to plan the way forward.

How do you use a Ishikawa diagram?

Use the fishbone diagram tool to keep the team focused on the causes of the problem, rather than the symptoms. Consider drawing your fish on a flip chart or large dry erase board. Make sure to leave enough space between the major categories on the diagram so that you can add minor detailed causes later.

What is fishbone theory?

A fishbone diagram is a cause-and-effect discovery tool that helps figure out the reason(s) for defects, variations or failures within a process. In other words, it helps break down, in successive layers, root causes that potentially contribute to an effect.

How do you use a Ishikawa fishbone diagram?

How to Use the Ishikawa Fishbone Diagram

  1. Explain to the team what you’re going to do.
  2. Draw your diagram.
  3. Determine a clear problem statement.
  4. Choose the Categories you’ll use.
  5. Identify possible causes to your problem within each category.
  6. Go a step deeper to identify sub-causes for each category cause.

How do I draw a line diagram in Word?

Draw a line without connection points

  1. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes.
  2. Under Lines, click any line style you like.
  3. Click one location in the document, hold and drag your pointer to a different location, and then release the mouse button.