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How do you even counter Akali?

How do you even counter Akali?

How to Play Against Akali (6 Tips)

  1. Use your range advantage.
  2. Abuse her weak early game.
  3. Play around her energy levels.
  4. Respect her level 6 all-in.
  5. Take magic resistance runes.
  6. Group and play as a team.

How do you counter Akali s11?

To counter Akali, it’s needed to look at her from a mid and top-lane perspective as she is currently seen in both lanes. Counter Akali in the mid lane: The most common lane to face an Akali in is mid. During patch 11.9, Akali is the sixth-most popular champion in the lane in terms of matches tracked.

Does Yas counter Akali?

Yasuo wins against Akali 50.05% of the time which is 0.59% lower against Akali than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Yasuo wins against Akali 0.83% less often than would be expected. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Yasuo build & runes against Akali.

Who counters Akali wild rift?

League of Legends Wild Rift Akali Counters are Olaf, Pantheon, and Tryndamere, which have the best chance of winning Akali in the lane. You DO NOT want to pick Nasus or Garen as they will most likely lose to Akali. In Terms of Synergy, picks like Amumu and Darius are good with Akali.

Is Tank Akali good?

A monstrous build that not only makes Akali a damage threat but also near unkillable. With a superstar pro player in ShowMaker brandishing tank Akali, the new overpowered build has turned heads all across the community, especially in higher elo games. It has racked up about a 54 percent win rate in solo queue.

Does Gwen beat Akali?

Gwen wins against Akali 49.98% of the time which is 0.63% lower against Akali than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Gwen wins against Akali 0.71% less often than would be expected. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Gwen build & runes against Akali.

Does teemo counter Akali?

Teemo wins against Akali 49.65% of the time which is 0.92% lower against Akali than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Teemo wins against Akali 1.86% less often than would be expected.

Who counters Akali mid wild rift?

Does Jax counter Akali?

Jax wins against Akali 50.00% of the time which is 0.84% lower against Akali than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Jax wins against Akali 0.67% less often than would be expected. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Jax build & runes against Akali.

How do you beat Akali wild in Rift?

Play Style Tips. It’s important to know how Akali’s kit works in order to play against her effectively. If you’re playing a champion with ranged auto attacks, try to abuse her in the early levels before she hits level 3. Her Five Point Strike (1) ability has a very short cooldown and allows her to push the wave quickly …

How to counter Akali?

general guide on how to counter Akali. 1 Akali Laning Against. Akali has a powerful early game with her Q and Passive. She will look to harass you whenever you go for CS. Avoid letting her 2 Akali Strategy VS. 3 Akali Power Spikes.

How do you win the line against Akali?

If you want to win the line against Akali, try these champions, it will be much easier: Swain is a powerful counter to Akali since all of her abilities take up quite a bit of the lane you’re in. Akali will try to trade you from her W to cover her back, but both your W and your E take up almost her entire W making it easy for you to trade her too.

How good is Akali at Level 6?

Once Akali has completed her first item, her kill pressure increases and so does her damage output. Respect her all-in pressure once she completes it. Akali is capable of all-inning squishy champions at level 6 as she gets tons of mobility and damage thanks to her Ultimate R.

How do I deal with Akali in Lane?

Akali’s W is important for trading and her survivability, but it has a long cooldown. Trade and harass her whenever it’s down. In team fights, Akali will look to dive the backline and take out the squishiest champions first. As soon as she engages, try to lock her down with CC/ peel her away from yourself and your allies.