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How do you use rm with xargs?

How do you use rm with xargs?

If you want to use xargs command to delete these files just pipe it to xargs command with rm function as its argument. In the above case, xargs command will construct separate rm statements for each file name passed to it by the result of find command. That’s it.

What is xargs rm?

The xargs command in UNIX is a command line utility for building an execution pipeline from standard input. Whilst tools like grep can accept standard input as a parameter, many other tools cannot. Using xargs allows tools like echo and rm and mkdir to accept standard input as arguments.

How do I delete a symbolic link on Linux?

To remove a symbolic link, use either the rm or unlink command followed by the name of the symlink as an argument. When removing a symbolic link that points to a directory do not append a trailing slash to the symlink name.

How do I find and delete files in Linux?

Where, options are as follows:

  1. -name “FILE-TO-FIND” : File pattern.
  2. -exec rm -rf {} \; : Delete all files matched by file pattern.
  3. -type f : Only match files and do not include directory names.
  4. -type d : Only match dirs and do not include files names.

What is xargs option?

8.4. 1 xargs options. Read names from the file inputfile instead of standard input. If you use this option, the standard input stream remains unchanged when commands are run.

How do I use xargs in Linux?

By using xargs we can make commands such as echo, rm, and mkdir accept standard input as arguments. xargs will accept piped input. It can also accept input from a file. xargs uses that input as parameters for the commands we’ve told it to work with. If we do not tell xargs to work with a specific command it will default to use echo.

How does xargs work with Echo?

It can also accept input from a file. xargs uses that input as parameters for the commands we’ve told it to work with. If we do not tell xargs to work with a specific command it will default to use echo.

What is xargs-I% in shell script?

xargs -I %: This defines a “replace-string” with the token “%”. sh -c: This starts a new subshell. The -c (command) tells the shell to read commands from the command line. ‘echo %; mkdir %’: each of the “%” tokens will be replaced by the directory names that are passed by xargs.