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How many guys did Serena van der Woodsen slept with?

How many guys did Serena van der Woodsen slept with?

Serena van der Woodsen
Romances: Dan Humphrey (Husband) Nate Archibald (Ex-boyfriend) Aaron Rose (Ex-boyfriend) Gabriel Edwards (Ex-boyfriend) Carter Baizen (Ex-boyfriend) Ben Donovan (Ex-boyfriend) Steven Spence (Ex-boyfriend) Tripp van der Bilt (Affair) Colin Forrester (Fling) Max Harding (Kissed)

What is Blair and DANS secret?

She’s having an affair with Dan, which Louis planned to expose at the Spectator’s New Year’s Eve bash. (Ugh, Louis.) Dan and Blair were sneaking around together — but only to go to church! Blair had confided in Dan about her moment with God before she even told Serena, and he was merely keeping her secret as asked.

Did Dan and Blair sleep together?

After a month hiatus of our beloved CW drama opera, Blair and Dan finally had the chance to do what they’ve been waiting for so long to do — have sex. But of course, the big event didn’t live up to their expectations. The two finally got it on in Dan’s Brooklyn loft (classy B) and quickly left in disappointment.

Is Serena richer than Blair?

Technically speaking, Blair is a tad wealthier than Serena, thanks to her family’s incredible connections, but Serena’s inheritance from her father’s side, which is the larger portion of her trust fund, is never fully explored, likely because she is not particularly close with her father.

Do Dan and Serena break up?

After Serena spots the two having a seemingly romantic dinner, she takes a photo and gives it to Blair; who shows it to the PTA of Constance and Headmistress Queller. As a result, Rachel is fired and Dan and Serena break up (Carrnal Knowledge). Soon after, Serena begins dating Gabriel Edwards, a former boyfriend of her friend Poppy Lifton.

Is Serena in love with Dan in GG?

In G.G. Serena confesses her love to Dan, although he doesn’t answer. After Blair’s wedding is ruined by the video of her proclaiming her love for Chuck and upon her discovering Louis only went through with the wedding to save face, she escapes with Dan to get a divorce.

Did Serena cheat on Dan with Georgina?

To keep Dan from knowing what she really did, Serena lies that she cheated on him and he tells her that he is done. During Lily and Bart’s rehearsal dinner, Lily goes with Serena to see the Fairman’s and gain closure. Afterwards, Serena goes to find Dan but finds out that he’s with Georgina; who is planning to seduce him ( Woman on the Verge ).

What happened to Serena and Dan on’Blair&Serena’?

After Blair’s wedding is ruined by the video of her proclaiming her love for Chuck and upon her discovering Louis only went through with the wedding to save face, she escapes with Dan to get a divorce. When Serena finds out, she becomes hurt that Dan was willing to help Blair and run away with her ( The Backup Dan ).