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How much radiation did Fukushima release?

How much radiation did Fukushima release?

In 2014 Fukushima University’s Institute of Environmental Radioactivity said that the total amount of Cs-137 released was 20.5 PBq, 17 PBq to the air, and of the total, 12 to 15 PBq ended up in the Pacific Ocean.

How many died from radiation at Fukushima?

The Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami killed over 15,000 people from effects unrelated to destruction of the reactors at Fukushima….Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster casualties.

Satellite image on 16 March 2011 of the four damaged reactor buildings
Date 11 March 2011
Deaths 1 confirmed from radiation, 2,202 from evacuation.

How many died from Fukushima?

Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster casualties

Satellite image on 16 March 2011 of the four damaged reactor buildings
Date 11 March 2011
Deaths 1 confirmed from radiation, 2,202 from evacuation.
Non-fatal injuries 6 with cancer or leukemia, 37 with physical injuries, 2 workers taken to hospital with radiation burns

What is the evacuation radius around Fukushima Daiichi plant?

The Government has evacuated individuals who were living within a 20-kilometre radius around the Fukushima Daiichi plant. Those living between 20 km and 30 km from the plant were asked to evacuate voluntarily. In general, people living farther away of the site of the event are at lower risk than those who live nearby.

How far away is Fukushima from Chernobyl?

^ Kyodo News, “Radioactivity Dispersal Distance From Fukushima 1/10th Of Chernobyl’s”, 13 March 2012, (wire service report), “The data showed, for example, more than 1.48 million becquerels (40 micro curies) of radioactive caesium per square meter was detected in soil at a location some 250 kilometers away from the Chernobyl plant.

What is the who report on Fukushima?

^ a b c d Walsh, Bryan. (1 March 2013) WHO Report Says That Fukushima Nuclear Accident Posed Minimal Risk to Health | Retrieved on 6 September 2013. Archived 4 November 2013 at the Wayback Machine

What happened to the backup generator at Fukushima?

JAIF (30 December 2011) Earthquake report 304:Fukushima plant’s backup generator failed in 1991 Archived 3 January 2012 at the Wayback Machine. The Mainichi Daily News (30 December 2011) TEPCO neglected anti-flood measures at Fukushima plant despite knowing risk.