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What are the 3 types of latitude?

What are the 3 types of latitude?

Technically, there are different kinds of latitude—geocentric, astronomical, and geographic (or geodetic)—but there are only minor differences between them. In most common references, geocentric latitude is implied.

What are the 4 types of latitudes?

The five major parallels of latitudes from north to south are called: Arctic Circle, Tropic of Cancer, Equator, Tropic of Capricorn, and the Antarctic Circle.

What is the bottom line of latitude called?

The Equator is the line of 0 degrees latitude. Each parallel measures one degree north or south of the Equator, with 90 degrees north of the Equator and 90 degrees south of the Equator. The latitude of the North Pole is 90 degrees N, and the latitude of the South Pole is 90 degrees S.

Is latitude a top or bottom?

The easiest way to remember the difference between latitude and longitude is by associating the terms with different parts of a ladder. Lines of latitude run east and west. Lines of latitude run horizontally around the Earth and tell you how far north or south you are from the Equator. Image: NASA, public domain.

What are main latitudes?

Besides the equator (0°), the North Pole (90°N) and the South Pole (90° S), there are four important parallels of latitudes– (i) Tropic of Cancer (23½° N) in the Northern Hemisphere. (ii) Tropic of Capricorn (23½° S) in the Southern Hemisphere. (iii) Arctic Circle at 66½° north of the equator.

What is the top of the equator called?

Prime Meridian While the equator divides Earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres, it is the prime meridian at zero degrees longitude and the line of longitude opposite the prime meridian (near the International Date Line) at 180 degrees longitude that divides Earth into the Eastern and Western hemispheres.

What are the 2 main lines of longitude?

1. Prime Meridian = Longitude 0o (Greenwich Meridian). 2. International Date Line (Longitude 180o).

What are lines of latitude called?

Lines of latitude, also called parallels, are imaginary lines that divide the Earth. They run east to west, but measure your distance north or south. The equator is the most well known parallel. At 0 degrees latitude, it equally divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern hemispheres.

Is latitude up or down?

Introduce the concepts of latitude and longitude. Tell students that the lines running across the page are lines of latitude, and the lines running up and down the page are lines of longitude. Latitude runs 0–90° north and south. Longitude runs 0–180° east and west.

Which is the biggest latitude?

The Equator
The Equator is at 0°, and the North Pole and South Pole are at 90° north and 90° south, respectively. The Equator is the longest circle of latitude and is the only circle of latitude which also is a great circle.

What are the points of latitude and longitude?

The points of latitude and longitude are called coordinates, and can be used together to locate any point on Earth. Straddling the Equator in Ecuador. 54-40 or Fight!

What is the difference between latitude and geographic latitude?

Because Earth is not a perfect sphere—the planet’s curvature is flatter at the poles—geographic latitude is the arc subtended by the equatorial plane and the normal line that can be drawn at a given point on Earth’s surface. (The normal line is perpendicular to a tangent line touching Earth’s curvature at…

What is the length of one degree of latitude called?

One degree of latitude, called an arc degree, covers about 111 kilometers (69 miles). Because of the Earth’s curvature, the farther the circles are from the Equator, the smaller they are. At the North and South Poles, arcdegrees are simply points. Degrees of latitude are divided into 60 minutes.

What are the lines of latitude called?

The equator is defined as 0 degrees, the North Pole is 90 degrees north, and the South Pole is 90 degrees south. Lines of latitude are all parallel to each other, thus they are often referred to as parallels. The memory rhyme I use to help remember that lines of latitude denote north-south distance is: