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What are the conjugations for dormir?

What are the conjugations for dormir?

Conjugating Dormir

Subject Pronoun Dormir Conjugation Translation
yo duermo I sleep
duermes you sleep (singular, informal)
él/ella/usted duerme he/she sleeps you sleep (formal, singular)
nosotros dormimos we sleep

What is the imperfect tense of dormir?

The imperfect root of Dormir is dormía. The imperfect tense is rarely irregular and can be easily conjugated from this form, which is the yo, and él/ella conjugation.

What is the negative Tu command of dormir?


Affirmative Imperative Sleep! duerme
Negative Commands Don’t sleep! no duermas

Does dormir take avoir?

Generally speaking, most French verbs ending in -mir, -tir, or -vir are conjugated this way. Scroll down to the to bottom to see a full set of dormir’s simple conjugations; the compound tenses consist of a form of the auxiliary verb avoir with the past participle dormi.

Is dormir in irregular verb?

The verbs partir, sortir, and dormir are irregular in the present tense, that is, they are not conjugated like regular -ir verbs.

How do you conjugate dormir reflexive?

  1. yo. dormiré
  2. tú dormirás.
  3. él/ella/Ud. dormirá
  4. nosotros. dormiremos.
  5. vosotros. dormiréis.
  6. ellos/ellas/Uds. dormirán.

How do you do negative tu commands?

To create a negative tú command, remember this mantra: form of yo, drop the – o, add the opposite ending. Adding the opposite ending means if a verb has an infinitive that ends in – ar, the present tense tú ending for an – er/– ir verb is used to create the negative tú command.

Why is dormir irregular?

The verbs partir, sortir, and dormir are irregular in the present tense, that is, they are not conjugated like regular -ir verbs. Listen carefully to the pronunciation of these verbs, noting especially the pronunciation of the consonant sound in the plural forms.

How do you conjugate dormir in passé composé?

  1. j’ai dormi.
  2. tu as dormi.
  3. il/elle a dormi.
  4. nous avons dormi.
  5. vous avez dormi.
  6. ils/elles ont dormi.

What is the affirmative Tu command of dormir?

to sleep Imperative (Command) / Imperativo yo — — — tú duerme él / Ud. duerma nosotros durmamos vosotros dormid ellos / Uds. duerman Negative Imperative (Command) / Imperativo Negativo yo — — — tú no duermas él / Ud. no duerma nosotros no durmamos vosotros no durmáis ellos / Uds. no duerman Color Key Search Terms for This Conjugation

What is the present tense of dormir?

What is the present tense of dormir? In the present tense, dormir (dohr-meer) (to sleep) has an o-to–ue stem change in all but the nosotros and vosotros forms. Here’s the present tense conjugation: The Present Tense of Dormir.

Is dormir a stem changing verb?

Because dormir is a stem-changing verb, instead of just changing the ending, or the drill bit, you actually have to change more of the spelling of the verb. In the stem of the verb, the -o changes to -ue for most of the conjugations. It would be like switching out your battery for the power plug to use the drill.

How to conjugate the French verb dormir?

– Avoir envie de dormir > to feel sleepy / to feel like sleeping – Dormir d’un sommeil profond / lourd / de plomb > to be a heavy sleeper / to be fast asleep, to be sound asleep, to be in a deep sleep – Dormir à poings fermés > to be fast asleep, to be sleeping like a baby