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What are the risks of having varicose vein surgery?

What are the risks of having varicose vein surgery?

Nerve damage. Redness or swelling (inflammation) of the vein. Blood clots. Changes in skin color over the treated vein.

What are the long term effects of vein stripping?

Increasing evidence suggests that stripping the LSV will reduce the risk of recurrence in the long term. However, stripping may be associated with an increase in morbidity as the result of pain, hematoma, and saphenous neuritis.

How long does it take to recover from varicose vein surgery?

After the procedure, you may need up to 3 weeks to recover before returning to work, although this depends on your general health and the type of work you do. You may need to wear compression stockings for up to a week after surgery.

How painful is varicose vein surgery?

As with any traditional surgery or minimally invasive procedure, pain is possible. However, with advances in medical technology, leg discomfort after varicose vein surgery should be minimal and last only a short time.

Can varicose veins be fatal?

This is very dangerous because blood clots in varicose veins can result in permanent vein damage that can eventually lead to leg ulcers and wounds that do not heal. The most significant danger with a varicose vein blood clot is that it can travel to your lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism – which can be fatal.

Can you bleed to death from a varicose vein?

A Ruptured Varicose Vein Can Bleed Profusely But in rare cases, a varicose vein can rupture so badly that the person actually bleeds to death from it. Any ruptured vein is something that needs immediate medical attention and isn’t something that a person should try to treat at home.

Can veins grow back after stripping?

Doctors often turn to vein stripping to rid the body of varicose veins. When the veins are removed, the body’s natural healing process kicks in and causes them to regrow. This process is called post operative neovascularization.

What happens to leg after saphenous vein removal?

The swelling is the fluid that was placed around the vein called a tumescent anesthetic. You will feel the swelling in the location where the vein was treated. If the vein in the thigh was treated, your thigh will feel swollen. If the vein on the back of your calf was treated, the calf will feel swollen.

What happens if you leave varicose veins untreated?

If left untreated, varicose veins usually result in excess blood leaking into the tissues of the leg. The patient will experience painful swelling and inflammation as parts of their skin become dark and discolored. This condition is known ashyperpigmentation.