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What is a pectus in medical terms?

What is a pectus in medical terms?

A congenital condition in which the sternum is abnormally depressed. Synonym: funnel breast; pectus recurvatum See: illustration.

Is pectus excavatum a disease?

Pectus excavatum is a condition in which a person’s breastbone is sunken into his or her chest. Severe cases of pectus excavatum can eventually interfere with the function of the heart and lungs. Pectus excavatum is a condition in which the person’s breastbone is sunken into the chest.

What causes a concave chest?

Pectus excavatum is due to too much growth of the connective tissue that joins the ribs to the breastbone (sternum). This causes the sternum to grow inward. As a result, there is a depression in the chest over the sternum, which may appear quite deep.

How do I get rid of pectus?

Exercise is a key component to treating pectus excavatum. By strengthening your chest, back, and core muscles and stretching your chest cavity, you can combat the condition’s effects. Aim to complete these exercises several times a week to maximize results.

Is pectus excavatum painful?

The reason you feel pain and fatigue with pectus excavatum is that your concave chest wall is crowding your heart and lungs, causing these other potential symptoms as well: Low tolerance for exercise.

Can you live a normal life with pectus excavatum?

Pectus excavatum (funnel chest) is when your child’s breastbone is pressed inwards and they have a dip between their ribs. The deformity may be symmetrical (the same on both sides) or may be more prominent on one side of the chest. Some children with funnel chest will live a normal life.

Does pectus excavatum get worse with age?

Pectus excavatum symptoms in adults Pectus excavatum is commonly noticed in the early teen years, and many adults with pectus excavatum will have been aware of their symptoms for years. Symptoms can sometimes get worse with age.