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What is an example of inequality in algebra?

What is an example of inequality in algebra?

Solving Inequalities

Symbol Words Example
> greater than x + 3 > 2
< less than 7x < 28
greater than or equal to 5 ≥ x − 1
less than or equal to 2y + 1 ≤ 7

What is a inequality in algebra?

inequality, In mathematics, a statement of an order relationship—greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, or less than or equal to—between two numbers or algebraic expressions.

What is an example of an inequality problem?

Let’s say b is the number of books Alex sells per day. Since we want the profit to be at least $120.00, we want it to be greater than or equal to than $120. We can rewrite this as an inequality.

What is an example of a solution of an inequality?

A solution for an inequality in x is a number such that when we substitute that number for x we have a true statement. So, 4 is a solution for example 1, while 8 is not. The solution set of an inequality is the set of all solutions.

What does an inequality look like?

An inequality is a mathematical relationship between two expressions and is represented using one of the following: ≤: “less than or equal to” <: “less than” ≠: “not equal to”

What is an inequality in math on a number line?

In math, an inequality shows the relationship between two values in an algebraic expression that are not equal. Inequality signs can indicate that one variable of the two sides of the inequality is greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, or less than or equal to another value.

What is an example of an inequality in math?


  • Two-step
  • Multi-step
  • How to write an inequality?

    Write an inequality from a word problem.Write an inequality to represent, s, the speeds at which a moving object creates a sonic boom.Write the inequality as one quotient on the left and zero on the right. Write the inequality expressed by the statement, “make sure the expenses are no more than $100.” e ≤ 100.

    What is an example of inequality?

    Political Inequality: The inequality in which there is no civic equality in front of the law.

  • Income and Wealth Inequality: It is the outcome or result which is primarily in the earnings of individuals.
  • Life Inequality: This refers to inequalities of opportunities if provided can improve the quality of life.
  • How do you write an inequality?

    This position is untenable. One way this situation could be alleviated is by curbing the more zealous middle managers who seem hell-bent on writing up guards for nearly any infraction. Certain