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What is required for satellite accumulation area?

What is required for satellite accumulation area?

Qualifying Criteria for Satellite Accumulation Exemption The hazardous waste must be accumulated in containers. The hazardous waste must be accumulated “at the initial accumulation point,” which must be “at or near the area where the waste is generated.”

Where should a satellite accumulation point be located?

A satellite accumulation point is a location at or near the point of generation that is under the control of the operator of the process generating the waste.

What is the maximum amount that can be stored in a satellite accumulation area?

A generator may accumulate up to 55 gallons of hazardous waste (or one quart of acutely or ex- tremely hazardous waste) without a permit at the initial point of accumulation, known as a satellite accumulation area, for up to one year (Title 22 Cal.

What three labels or information must be on a hazardous waste container in a satellite accumulation area?

Pursuant to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regulations, each container used for on-site hazardous waste accumulation must be labeled or marked clearly with the words “Hazardous Waste,” an indication of the hazards of the contents, and the date on which accumulation began (sections 262.16(b)(6) and …

When must the start date be labeled on a container from a satellite accumulation area?

The accumulation start date is clearly marked and visible on each satellite accumulation container, and satellite accumulation end date is placed on the container when 55 gallons is reached or the container is moved to another area.

What is the point of waste generation?

The “point of generation” refers to the location where wastes initially accumulate and is under the control of the operator of the waste-generating process. Identifying the point of generation is sometimes difficult, due to the many site specific factors that affect how and when the waste is considered to be generated.

What is the maximum amount of waste that can be stored on-site for a large quantity generator?

Large Quantity Generators (LQGs) Read through a fact sheet about LQGs. Large Quantity Generators (LQGs) generate 1,000 kilograms per month or more of hazardous waste or more than one kilogram per month of acutely hazardous waste. Major requirements for LQGs include: LQGs may only accumulate waste on-site for 90 days.

What is the maximum satellite accumulation time for a LQG or SQG?

Accumulation Time Limits – The generator can keep a satellite accumulation container on-site for a maximum of one year from the date the waste is first placed in the container, or 90 (LQG) or 180 (SQG) days from the date the generator accumulates 55 gallons of hazardous waste or one quart of AHW, whichever occurs first …

Which of these requirements apply to containers managed in accumulation areas?

This includes:

  • The container needs a good location.
  • The container must be closed when it’s not in use.
  • The container must be under the control of the operator generating the waste.
  • The container must be properly labeled.
  • The container must not exceed the allowable volume.

What is accumulation start date?

accumulation start date. The date that the filling of a hazardous material storage container begins. This date starts the clock for deadlines on hazardous waste transfer, treatment, and/or disposal.

When should a satellite accumulation hazardous waste label be dated?

180 days or less, or 270 days or less if the waste will be transported 200 miles or more for treatment, storage, or disposal. (Cal. Code Regs.

What is satellite accumulation?

Satellite accumulation allows facilities to hold wastes that slowly accumulate from routine operations at or near the point of generation for longer than 90 or 180 days. It allows facilities to do this without the need for a dangerous waste storage permit.

Why must the satellite accumulation point be operated?

The satellite accumulation point must be operated so as to ensure that a process or group of processes meeting the requirements above is subject to a single 55-gallon (or one quart) accumulation limit, except as provided below:

Is there a time limit for satellite accumulation areas?

Thanks for your comment! Under the federal regulation, there is no time restriction for satellite accumulation areas – but some states do have more stringent requirements and have added time restrictions. You are correct: The 90 day time limit applies to Large Quantity Generator’s waste collection areas, not SAAs.

What is the satellite accumulation exemption?

No treatment of hazardous waste is allowed while being accumulated under the satellite accumulation exemption. Within three days after the 55-gallon (or one quart) accumulation limit is reached, the generator must move the container to a “90-day” accumulation area and label the container with the date the satellite accumulation limit is reached.

What are the satellite accumulation area regulations for generators?

40 CFR § 262.15 – Satellite accumulation area regulations for small and large quantity generators. § 262.15 Satellite accumulation area regulations for small and large quantity generators.