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What is the anatomy of the mandible?

What is the anatomy of the mandible?

Anatomical Structure. The mandible consists of a horizontal body (anteriorly) and two vertical rami (posteriorly). The body and the rami meet on each side at the angle of the mandible. The body of the mandible is curved, and shaped much like a horseshoe.

What does the ramus of the mandible look like?

The ramus (Latin: branch) of the human mandible has four sides, two surfaces, four borders, and two processes. On the outside, the ramus is flat and marked by oblique ridges at its lower part; it gives attachment throughout nearly the whole of its extent to the masseter muscle.

What is the mandibular arch made of?

The mandible forms as a bone (ossifies) over time from a left and right piece of cartilage called Meckel’s cartilages. These cartilages form the cartilaginous bar of the mandibular arch.

What are the two holes in the mandible?

The mandible has two main holes ( foramina ), found on both its right and left sides: The mandibular foramen, is above the mandibular angle in the middle of each ramus.

What are the ramus and rami of the mandible?

The mandible consists of: A ramus on the left and the right, the rami rise up from the body of the mandible and meet with the body at the angle of the mandible or the gonial angle. Body and ramus of the mandible. The mandibular foramen is labeled on the right.

How is the mandible used to determine the age of a person?

Because the mandible progressively changes over an individual’s life, it is routinely used to determine the age of the deceased 1). The horizontal portion, bearing the teeth, is called the body; the vertical to oblique posterior portion is the ramus (plural, rami); and these two portions meet at a corner called the angle of mandible.

What is the mandible articulation?

Like other symphyses in the body, this is a midline articulation where the bones are joined by fibrocartilage, but this articulation fuses together in early childhood. The word “mandible” derives from the Latin word mandibula, “jawbone” (literally “one used for chewing”), from mandere “to chew” and -bula ( instrumental suffix).

What are the bony landmarks of the mandibular rami?

There are two mandibular rami, which project perpendicularly upwards from the angle of the mandible. Each ramus contains the following bony landmarks: Head – situated posteriorly, and articulates with the temporal bone to form the temporomandibular joint. Neck – supports the head of the ramus, and site of attachment of the lateral pterygoid muscle.

What does a panoramic radiograph reveal about the mandible?

A panoramic radiograph reveals the mandible, including the heads and necks of the mandibular condyles, the coronoid processes of the mandible, as well as the nasal antrum and the maxillary sinuses.

What is at the anterosuperior aspect of the mandibular foramen?

At the anterosuperior aspect of the mandibular foramen is a sharp process called the lingula of the mandible. At the posteroinferior aspect of the mandibular foramen is the mylohyoid groove, against which the mylohyoid vessels run.