What is the answer to question 38 on the impossible quiz 2?
Question 38 of The Impossible Quiz contains a statement that says “Mary Rose sat on a pin”, and the possible choices are “O RLY?”, “Mary Rose”, “Burst her piles”, and “Ahahahaaha!”. The correct answer is “Mary Rose”, since the “Rose” in her name is a pun on the past tense form of “to rise”.
What is the answer 39 in the impossible quiz?
Cylindrical Adventures
The correct answer to this question is “Cylindrical Adventures”, which is the name of the animation the dancing cylinder belongs to.
What is the answer to question 59 on the impossible quiz?
What you have to do is to rapidly click the circle so that the “lazer” charges, until it is eventually fired, destroying the bomb in the process. You’ll then hear the noise of a non-existent crowd clapping at the circle, which will then smile and give you a thumbs up, before you move on to the next question.
What is the answer to 43 on the impossible quiz?
Tom Cruise
The possible choices are “Gay”, “Straight”, “Bi”, and “Tom Cruise”. The correct answer is “Tom Cruise”, since the question’s also referencing the movie “Jerry Maguire”, whose titular character was portrayed by Tom Cruise.
How do you do question 41 on the impossible quiz?
The correct answer to this question is “Afro”, because it’s the best part of the duck, according by Splapp (plus “Afro” is not the correct term to refer to the duck’s crest).
What is the answer to question 40 on the impossible quiz?
The answer to this question is “Toucan”, which alludes to the “hidden meanings” part of the question: you can read that word as “Two can”, referring to the fact that both of the Quizzes (or maybe just the second one) can help you see through hidden meanings, as in puns, jokes or trick questions.
What is the answer to 40 on impossible quiz?
What is number 42 on the impossible quiz?
The correct answer is the 42nd 42. It’s the second 42 in the bottom row. Click it to proceed. This question is in reference to Douglas Adams’ book “The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy”.
What are chicken McNuggets made of impossible quiz?
Question 63 from the Impossible Quiz asks “What are Chicken McNuggets made of?”, with the possible choices being “100% chicken”, “Tasteless white filth”, “Soil”, and “Win”. The answer is NOT “100% chicken”, even though Chicken McNuggets are made out of it.
How do you do question 61 on the impossible quiz?
The answer to this question is the thumbs up icon from the top left option box, since “(Y)” was used as the shortcut for the thumbs up emoticon in the MSN Messenger, one of the most popular chat programs of the time.
What is the answer to 44 on impossible quiz?
Question 44 of The Impossible Quiz is a safe question that has no actual question, nor options. All there is on screen besides the usual stuff are a bunch of scrambled puzzle pieces. The question number is in one of these pieces, so you can use it as a reference.
What is the answer to 42 in impossible quiz?