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What is the function of the thalamus gland?

What is the function of the thalamus gland?

Your thalamus is your body’s information relay station. All information from your body’s senses (except smell) must be processed through your thalamus before being sent to your brain’s cerebral cortex for interpretation. Your thalamus also plays a role in sleep, wakefulness, consciousness, learning and memory.

What happens when the thalamus in the brain is damaged?

While thalamus damage primarily causes sensory problems, it can also lead to behavioral and cognitive changes. For example, many patients with a thalamus injury have incorrect speech patterns and can struggle to find the right words. Others display apathy and memory problems.

Where is the thalamus gland?

The thymus gland is in the chest, between the lungs and behind the breastbone (sternum). It is just in front of, and above, the heart. The thymus makes white blood cells called T lymphocytes (also called T cells). These are an important part of the body’s immune system, which helps us to fight infection.

How do you know if your thalamus is damaged?

Damage to a portion of the thalamus is associated with risk of coma. Damage in a portion of the thalamus can lead to sensory changes in a body part. Damage here can also cause movement disorders, lack of movement (motor disturbances).

Where is the thalamus gland located?

The thalamus is located deep within the brain in the cerebral cortex, adjacent to the hypothalamus. It is a symmetrical structure, situated on top of the brain stem and on either side of the third cortex.

What foods are good for the thymus gland?

There is no specific diet for the thymus gland but foods that are good for the thymus gland are those that boost immune function, such as:

  • Citrus fruits. Orange. Kiwi. Lemon. Grapefruit.
  • Bell peppers.
  • Berries.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Cruciferous vegetables. Broccoli. Brussels sprouts. Cabbage. Cauliflower.
  • Dark leafy greens.

Does the thalamus control vision?

Visual information from the outside world is conveyed from the retinal receptors through the sensory relay nucleus of the thalamus, the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), to primary visual cortex (V1 or striate cortex).