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What is the price of copper per tonne?

What is the price of copper per tonne?

Unit conversion for Copper Price Today

Conversion Copper Price Price
1 Ton = 1,000 Kilograms Copper Price Per 1 Kilogram 9.45 USD

What is the price of tin per pound today?

CURRENT PRICE $1.50/lb These prices are current as of today’s date and are subject to change, at any time due to outstanding market conditions.

Who owns the London Metal Exchange?

Hong Kong Exchanges and ClearingThe London Metal Exchange / Parent organizationHong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited operates a range of equity, commodity, fixed income and currency markets through its wholly owned subsidiaries The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited and London Metal Exchange. Wikipedia

What is LME copper price today?

LME Copper Closing Prices

Contract Price
3-month 9745.00
Month 1 9748.50
Month 2 9747.50
Month 3 9746.25

Is tin a good investment?

Despite being a small and unloved industry, tin has a great deal of potential for investors, bearing all the hallmarks of a looming bull market. The combination of a supply deficit with rising demands point to a promising future with rising tin prices and expansion within the industry.

Why are tin prices so high?

For automakers, which use tin in coatings, bearings, brake pads and batteries, the higher tin costs come on top of a semiconductor chip shortage and a spike in prices for aluminium and magnesium due to curbs on energy-intensive industries in China.

How do LME contracts work?

The LME is a terminal market whereby every futures contract anticipates that a delivery will take place. While the majority of contracts are for financial purposes and are cancelled out by equal and opposite contracts, there is a physical commitment behind the original contract.

What does LME stand for?


Acronym Definition
LME Labor, Material, Equipment (goods measurement)
LME Lethal Military Equipment
LME Local Multiplier Effect (finance)
LME Large Memory-Enabled (Microsoft)