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Which substitution is permitted when an ILS component is inoperative?

Which substitution is permitted when an ILS component is inoperative?

17) Which substitution is permitted when an ILS component is inoperative? A compass locator or precision radar may be substituted for the ILS outer or middle marker.

Which pilot action is appropriate if more than one component of an ILS is unusable?

Which pilot action is appropriate if more than one component of an ILS is unusable? Use the highest minimum required by any single component that is unusable.

Which substitution is appropriate during an ILS approach?

Which substitution is appropriate during an ILS approach? Select one: a. LOC minimums should be substituted for ILS minimums whenever the glide slope becomes inoperative.

Which indications will a pilot receive where an IM is installed on a front course ILS approach?

What indications will a pilot receive where an IM is installed on a front course ILS approach? Six dots per second and a flashing white light. increased if the groundspeed is increased.

How should a pilot determine when the DME at PUC airport is inoperative?

C- The airborne DME may appear normal, but there will be no code tone. (Refer to figure 240.) How should a pilot determine when the DME at PUC airport is inoperative? A- The airborne DME will always indicate “0” mileage.

What action is recommended if a pilot does not wish to use an instrument departure procedure?

What action is recommended if a pilot does not wish to use an instrument departure procedure? Enter “No DP” in the REMARKS section of the IFR flight plan.

What action should you take if your DME fails at fl240?

What action should you take if your DME fails at FL 240? Notify ATC of the failure and continue to the next airport of intended landing where repairs can be made.

Can the glideslope on an ILS ever be greater than 3 degrees?

False glideslopes—usually at much steeper angles than three degrees—can be generated by an ILS and if we get a late vector or delay our descent, it’s possible to intercept one and try to follow it.

What is a false glideslope?

A characteristic of the glide-slope portion of the ILS (instrument landing system), in which one or more false glide-slopes at different angles to the horizontal occur well above the true glide-slope.

What indication should a pilot receive when a VOR station is undergoing maintenance and may be considered unreliable group of answer choices?

What indication should a pilot receive when a VOR station is undergoing maintenance and may be considered unreliable? No coded identification, but possible navigation indications. What is the meaning of a single coded identification received only once approximately every 30 seconds from a VORTAC?

What is the ILS procedure for intercepting glide-slope aircraft?

Instrument Landing System Procedure: 1 Request the ILS approach from ATC 2 Follow the assigned clearance or radar vectors, as assigned by ATC 3 Complete any appropriate checklists, ensuring the aircraft is in the landing configuration before intercepting the glide-slope Weitere Artikel…

Why is glide-slope important in ILS?

False courses and reverse sensing can occur when intercepting the ILS at angles considerably greater than the published path It is therefore extremely important to maintain glide-slope to assure obstacle/terrain clearance is maintained

What is an ILS pair?

ILS Frequency Pairs: The ILS pairs frequencies to give localizer and glide-slope information on a single frequency As far as the pilot is concerned, you only need to input the Very-High Frequency (VHF) frequency, as the Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) is automatically tied to that; This single ILS frequency is found in the top left of the approach plate

How does an ILS system work?

The ILS receiver interprets the overlap of the two frequencies to determine which side of the localizer course the airplane is flying on, or if it’s flying perfectly down the middle of the course.