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Why did I develop cold urticaria?

Why did I develop cold urticaria?

No one knows exactly what causes cold urticaria. Certain people appear to have very sensitive skin cells, due to an inherited trait, a virus or an illness. In the most common forms of this condition, cold triggers the release of histamine and other chemicals into the bloodstream.

Is cold urticaria serious?

If you have skin reactions after cold exposure, see your doctor. Even if the reactions are mild, your doctor will want to rule out underlying conditions that may be causing the problem. Seek emergency care if after sudden exposure to cold you experience a whole-body response (anaphylaxis) or difficulty breathing.

What is the difference between welts and hives?

The welts are usually itchy and often the hands and feet will become itchy and swollen as well. Hives vary in size from about 7 mm in diameter to as big as about 27 mm or larger.

Can you have cold urticaria without a welt?

Most people who have cold urticaria develop a welt on their skin after the bag is removed and their skin starts to warm up. Even if you don’t have a welt from the ice cube challenge test, it’s possible that you could have cold urticaria. That’s why your dermatologist will ask questions and examine your skin. How is cold urticaria treated?

Can you get hives from the Cold?

Others are especially sensitive and can develop hives when they walk into an air-conditioned building or linger near a freezer case in a grocery store. Most people who get hives from the cold are otherwise healthy. If you get hives from the cold, it doesn’t mean you have to live with flare-ups.

What are the symptoms of an allergic reaction to cold weather?

Temporary itchy welts (hives) on the area of skin that was exposed to cold Severe reactions may include: A whole-body response (anaphylaxis), which can cause fainting, a racing heart, swelling of limbs or torso, and shock