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Why is it called a crab canon?

Why is it called a crab canon?

The name ‘crab’ refers to the fact that crabs are known to walk backward (although they can also walk forward and sideways). It originally referred to a kind of canon in which one line is played backward (e.g. FABACEAE played simultaneously with EAECABAF).

What is a Bach canon?

Canons are constructed from a single theme and a deceptively simple set of rules. The form, in the hands of a master like J.S. Bach, is a model of logical as well as musical beauty. Canons are built around a “theme”—a particular melody which is repeated by several “voices” that carry it through the piece.

What is the difference between a canon and a fugue?

Well, in a fugue, an entire musical theme is stated (or mostly stated) before the next one starts in. In a canon, the first one just gets going when the next one starts.

What makes a song a canon?

canon, musical form and compositional technique, based on the principle of strict imitation, in which an initial melody is imitated at a specified time interval by one or more parts, either at the unison (i.e., the same pitch) or at some other pitch.

What is the difference between a fugue and a canon?

Are fugues polyphonic?

A fugue is the most complex polyphonic musical form, involving imitation among the parts (called “voices” whether they are vocal or instrumental).

Why canon in D is so famous?

“The reason it’s called a canon is because of what the three violins do in the upper voices: they play in a round.” (Just as you’d hear in “Three Blind Mice” or “Frère Jacques.”)

What are the two types of canons?

There are different kinds of canon. Canons can be described according to distances between the entries of the voices. If the second voice starts one bar (one measure) after the first voice, this is called a “canon at the bar”. If it starts after only half a bar, it is called a “canon at the half-bar”.