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Can you repair Seasinger?

Can you repair Seasinger?

Tradeable seasinger’s equipment degrades over 60,000 charges of combat, and will vanish completely once exhausted. It cannot be repaired.

Is Seasingers tank armour?

The seasinger’s robe top is Magic tank body armour made in the player-owned port minigame. It requires 85 Defence to wear, and 90 Runecrafting to make in the port’s workshop, using 80 chi and giving 30,000 Runecrafting experience.

How do you get superior Seasingers?

The Superior seasinger’s robe top is a magic robe made in the Player-owned port minigame. They require 85 Defence to wear, and at 90 Runecrafting to make in the port’s workshop, using 100 chi and giving 30,000 Runecrafting experience.

Is Seasingers Augmentable?

The Augmented Seasinger’s robe top uses charges stored in the universal charge pack. When the charge pack runs out of charges, the item loses stats and gizmo effects, and can also no longer gain any equipment experience. Function will resume when the pack is recharged with divine charges.

How long does it take to get Seasinger Kiba?

Making one grants 30,000 Runecrafting and 5,000 Crafting experience. The seasinger kiba will degrade after 60,000 charges of combat (but loses 2 charges per hit, so has a minimum duration of 5 hours of combat)….

Seasinger kiba
Weight 2.267 kg
A magical wand fashioned from a fossilised nautilus kami.
Advanced data

How do you recharge the staff of darkness?

It can be repaired by 50% by using a staff of light on it – a full recharge costs 5,953,234 coins. The staff can be combined with an augmentor to create an augmented staff of darkness.

How do you get superior Death Lotus armor?

The Superior Death Lotus chestplate is ranged body armour made in the Player-owned Ports minigame. They require 85 Defence to wear, and at 90 Crafting to make in the port’s workshop, using 100 lacquer and giving 30,000 Crafting experience.

How do you make Kiba Seasinger?

It can be made in a port workshop using 100 chi, 50 koi scales and 1 gemstone kaseki, requiring 92 Runecrafting (non-boostable) and all four parts of the “seasinger wand/orb” eastern scroll.

How do I get the seasinger’s robe top?

The seasinger’s robe top is Magic tank body armour made in the player-owned port minigame. It requires 85 Defence to wear, and 90 Runecrafting to make in the port’s workshop, using 80 chi and giving 30,000 Runecrafting experience . The seasinger’s robe top lasts for 60,000 charges of combat before degrading to nothing – it cannot be repaired.

When did the sea singer’s robe top change its name?

This item was renamed from “Sea singer’s robe top” on 7 January 2014 with the release of Player-Owned Ports – The Next Journey. * Only during the Mega May event.

How long does the superior seasinger’s robe top last?

The superior seasinger’s robe top lasts for 72,000 charges of combat (a minimum of 12 hours) before degrading and requiring repair. It can be repaired by a Repair NPC or at a player-owned house armour stand for coins, or at the Port workbench using chi. A full recharge costs: