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Can you visit Hsi Lai Temple?

Can you visit Hsi Lai Temple?

The temple is open to visitors seven days a week without notice or reservation, if you want the full experience join a free tour offered on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

Where is the largest Buddhist temple in the US?

Covering 15 acres (61,000 m2), California’s Hsi Lai Temple is one of the largest Buddhist temples in the western hemisphere. Services at the Hompa Hongwanji Buddhist Temple, Los Angeles, around 1925….Buddhism in American Overseas territories.

Territory Percent
US Virgin Islands unknown

Does Buddhism have temples?

Buddhist monastery is the place of worship for Buddhists, the followers of Buddhism. They include the structures called vihara, chaitya, stupa, wat and pagoda in different regions and languages. Temples in Buddhism represent the pure land or pure environment of a Buddha.

Can you be Buddhist and not vegetarian?

While not all Buddhists are vegetarians, many choose to follow a vegetarian or lacto-vegetarian diet.

What percent of us is Buddhist?

4Buddhists make up roughly 1% of the adult population in the United States, and about two-thirds of U.S. Buddhists are Asian Americans, according to Pew Research Center estimates.

What do I wear to a Buddhist temple?

Shoulders should be covered and long pants should be worn rather than shorts. Some temples in tourist places may be more lenient, but your modesty will be appreciated. Some, but not all temples, may provide a sarong or other cover-up for a small fee if the gatekeeper thinks you’re not covered up enough.

Is it disrespectful to go to a Buddhist temple?

Some of the more visited temples even have sarongs at the entrance gates for rent. Show respect when entering temples and places of worship by removing your hat and sunglasses before you go inside. While some temples allow photography, make sure that the one you are visiting is OK with it.

Can Buddhist drink alcohol?

Despite the great variety of Buddhist traditions in different countries, Buddhism has generally not allowed alcohol intake since earliest times. The production and consumption of alcohol was known in the regions in which Buddhism arose long before the time of the Buddha.

Can Buddhist celebrate Christmas?

So Buddhists do celebrate Christmas in a non-Christian way. They are happy with celebrating Christmas and having fun with Christmas decoration and enlightening and decorating the Christmas tree.

Is Buddhism older than Christianity?

The history of Buddhism goes back to what is now Bodh Gaya, India almost six centuries before Christianity, making it one of the oldest religions still being practiced. The origins of Christianity go back to Roman Judea in the early first century.

Why do you take off your shoes in a Buddhist temple?

Any place where an image of the Buddha is used in worship is known as a shrine , and many Buddhists also have shrines at home. Before entering the shrine room, people take off their shoes as a sign of respect and also to keep the shrine room floor clean. They also dress modestly, often in white in Theravada countries.