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How common is R-M269?

How common is R-M269?

It increases in frequency on an east to west gradient (its prevalence in Poland estimated at 22.7%, compared to Wales at 92.3%). It is carried by approximately 110 million European men (2010 estimate). The age of the mutation M269 is estimated at 4,000 to 10,000 years ago….

Haplogroup R-M269
Defining mutations M269

What is R1b gene?

R1b is a subclade within the “macro-haplogroup” K (M9), the most common group of human male lines outside of Africa. K is believed to have originated in Asia (as is the case with an even earlier ancestral haplogroup, F (F-M89).

How old is E1b1a?

The finer branches of the genealogical tree were associated with lower estimates of TMRCA (Figure 1). TMRCA for E1b1a as a whole was estimated at 6175–6588 YBP with the TMRCA for the youngest haplogroup (E1b1a8a1a) estimated at 1100–1638 YBP.

When did R1a split R1b?

Using a rate of one SNP per 122 years, and based on an average branch length of 206 SNPs from the common ancestor of the 13 sequences, we estimate the bifurcation of R1 into R1a and R1b to have occurred ∼25 100 ago (95% CI: 21 300–29 000).

What is R1a gene?

Haplogroup R1a, or haplogroup R-M420, is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup which is distributed in a large region in Eurasia, extending from Scandinavia and Central Europe to southern Siberia and South Asia.

How old is e1b1b1?

Haplogroup E1b1b (formerly known as E3b) represents the last major direct migration from Africa into Europe. It is believed to have first appeared in the Horn of Africa approximately 26,000 years ago and dispersed to North Africa and the Near East during the late Paleolithic and Mesolithic periods.

What is the R(r1b1b2a1a) haplogroup?

Here are some pictures that show information about the R1b1b2a1a haplogroup: This one shows how the R haplogroup is related to all the others: I am in R (R1b1b2a1a) haplogroup, in which are about 78% of Europeans. It is one of the youngest haplogroups.

What is Haplogroup R?

Haplogroup R is an upstanding member of the Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree. Today, members of Haplogroup R are numerous and widespread, found most commonly throughout Europe and South Asia. Scientists have traced the origins of all Y-DNA haplogroups to Africa, with groups branching off later as SNP mutations occurred in men of certain geographies.

Is haplogroup R-M269 a basal form of R1b?

According to the authors, the occurrence of basal forms of R1b in eastern European hunter-gatherers provides a “geographically plausible source” for haplogroup R-M269.

Where did R1b-V88 haplogroup originate?

D’Atanasio et al (2018) propose that R1b-V88 originated in Europe about 12 000 years ago and crossed to North Africa by about 8000 years ago; it may formerly have been common in southern Europe, where it has since been replaced by waves of other haplogroups, leaving remnant subclades almost excusively in Sardinia.