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How do I access IBM Integrated Management Module?

How do I access IBM Integrated Management Module?

Logging on to the IMM web interface

  1. On a system that is connected to the server, open a web browser. In the Address or URL field, type the IP address or host name of the IMM to which you want to connect.
  2. On the Login page, type the user name and password.
  3. Click Log in to start the session.

What is Integrated Management Module in IBM?

The Integrated Management Module (IMM) is a management module that is used for systems-management functions. On the back panel of each appliance type, the serial connector and Ethernet connectors can be managed by using the Integrated Management Module (IMM).

How do I set up IMM?

Network Configurations from the IMM Web Interface

  1. Log in to the user interface of the IMM of your appliance.
  2. Click IMM Control > Network Interfaces.
  3. A form displaying the current network configuration, which may take a moment to load, will be displayed.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click IMM Control > Restart IMM.

How do I update my Lenovo IMM firmware?

Updating firmware

  1. Log in to IMM.
  2. Select Server Firmware from the Server Management drop-down menu.
  3. The Server Firmware option displays firmware levels and allows you to update the DSA, IMM2, and UEFI firmware.
  4. Click Update Firmware, and the Update Server Firmware window will be displayed.

How do I get IMM on my Lenovo server?

To log on to the IMM web interface, complete the following steps:

  1. On a system that is connected to the server, open a web browser. In the Address or URL field, type the IP address or host name of the IMM to which you want to connect.
  2. On the Login page, type the user name and password.
  3. Click Log in to start the session.

How do I find my IMM IP address?

Obtaining the IP address for the IMM

  1. Turn on the server.
  2. When the prompt Setup is displayed, press F1.
  3. From the Setup utility main menu, select System Settings.
  4. On the next screen, select Integrated Management Module.
  5. On the next screen, select Network Configuration.
  6. Find the IP address and write it down.

What is IMM software?

Answer. The Integrated Management Module (IMM) is a service processor on System x server hardware. IMM provides management access to IBM System x rack server hardware.

What is Lenovo IMM?

Integrated Management Module. In older System x servers, the Integrated Management Module (IMM) consolidates the service processor functionality, Super I/O, video controller, and remote presence capabilities in a single chip on the server system board.

What is IMM IP address?
Note: If you are logging on to the IMM for the first time after installation, the IMM defaults to DHCP. If a DHCP host is not available, the IMM assigns a static IP address of 192.168. 70.125. On the Login page, type the user name and password.

How do I reset an IBM IMM?

To restore the IMM2 factory defaults, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the IMM2.
  2. Click the IMM Management tab; then, click IMM Reset to factory defaults….
  3. Click the OK button on the Confirm Reset to factory defaults window (as shown in the following illustration).

How do I update firmware on blade server?

Updating the blade server IMM firmware

  1. Sign on to the management module Web interface.
  2. Select Firmware Update under Blade Tasks on the navigation pane on the left of the window.
  3. On the Update Blade Firmware window, first click the pull-down in the Target field and highlight the desired blade server to update.