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How do I add Font Awesome to WordPress?

How do I add Font Awesome to WordPress?

Here’s how the whole process works, step by step:

  1. Step 1: Enqueue Font Awesome Stylesheet in Your WordPress Theme.
  2. Step 2: Insert Font Awesome Icons.
  3. Step 1: Install and Activate the Plugin.
  4. Step 2: Insert Font Awesome Icons.
  5. Change the Size of Font Awesome Icons.
  6. Rotate Font Awesome Icons.
  7. Add Animation to Font Awesome Icons.

Is there a CDN for Font Awesome?

Font Awesome CDN is the easiest way to get Font Awesome on your website or app, all with just a single line of code. No downloading or installing!

How do I add Font Awesome 5 to WordPress?

If you have purchased Font Awesome Pro and would like to use the styles/icons available in it, log into your Font Awesome account, download the zip file and extract it. Go inside svg-with-js folder, then js folder and upload the appropriate file(s) to your active theme’s js directory and enqueue it/them.

How do I add Font Awesome to my menu?

How to Add Font Awesome Icons to WordPress Menus

  1. Step 1: Install Font Awesome 4 Menus Plugin.
  2. Step 2: Show CSS Classes Options on Menu Screen.
  3. Step 3: Enter the CSS Class for the Menu Icon.
  4. 21 responses to “How to Add Font Awesome Icons to WordPress Menus”

How do I add Font Awesome to my website?

PRO: Custom LESS

  1. Copy the font-awesome directory into your project.
  2. Open your project’s bootstrap/bootstrap.less and replace. @import “sprites.less”;
  3. Open your project’s font-awesome/variables.
  4. Re-compile your LESS if using a static compiler.
  5. Check out the examples to start using Font Awesome!

How do I use Flaticon in WordPress?

How to use icon font with flaticon

  1. Prepare your collection. Add monocolor icons to the collection for your website.
  2. Download iconfont. Open your collection and press the Download collection button, then select Iconfont.
  3. Copy in your folder. Copy the source files and CSS to your web folder.
  4. Load the stylesheet.
  5. Use the classes.

How do I link font awesome to CDN?

How do I use Font Awesome via CDN on my site?

  1. Create an Embed Code. Get a unique embed code that’s made just for you.
  2. Add that Embed Code to Your Project. Once you have a code, place it in your project’s HTML files.
  3. Drop any of the 600+ icons in. Find and place the right icon for the job in your markup.

How do I use Font Awesome CDN for free?

The easiest way to use Font Awesome

  1. Create an Embed Code. Get a unique embed code with Font Awesome that’s made just for you.
  2. Drop any of the 600+ icons in. Start using Font Awesome as usual.
  3. Register Your Account. Create a Font Awesome CDN account to use more Awesome features.

How do I fix Font Awesome icons not showing in WordPress?

FontAwesome Plugin

  1. Firstly, in your WordPress admin panel go to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin section.
  2. Choose the plugin to upload.
  3. Click “Install Now” button.
  4. Then click the “Activate Plugin” button.
  5. Congratulation, the FontAwesome plugin is activated.

How do I use Font Awesome in CSS content?

To use font awesome icons as CSS content code follow the below steps. Add a unique CSS class name to the icon element you want to use. Set the font-weight css property as 900 (For Solid), 400 (Regular or Brands), 300 (Light for pro icons). Set the content css property to the unicode value font awesome icon.

How do I use Font Awesome in CSS?

How to Use font awesome icons as CSS content code

  1. Add a unique CSS class name to the icon element you want to use.
  2. Set the font-family to “Font Awesome 5 Free” (For regular,solid icons) or “Font Awesome 5 Pro” (If you buy a pro license) or “Font Awesome 5 Brands” (For brand icons)

How to enqueue Google Fonts in WordPress theme?

Enqueueing google fonts in WordPress theme is super easy. Just follow the steps below. Go to Google fonts and select any font that you want to use. Once you select, a little box comes up at the bottom. Add that font URL within your enqueue function and that’s it. Your google fonts are ready to use.

How to enqueue scripts and styles in WordPress?

WordPress also provides a hook to enqueue scripts and styles. It’s always good practice to keep all your styles and scripts within a function and use the wp_enqueue_scripts hook to enqueue them. Remember, this hook will be used for both whether you are enqueuing CSS files for Javascript and jQuery files.

How many icons are there in Font Awesome?

Near-Infinite Icons. Font Awesome has grown to have over 5,000 icons and continues to add the most popular and needed icons. Stop hunting down missing icons you need, combining from multiple sets, or finding that company’s official logo in a dirty corner of the internet.

Is there a hook for enqueuing CSS files for JavaScript?

Remember, this hook will be used for both whether you are enqueuing CSS files for Javascript and jQuery files. Now let’s move on to the enqueuing CSS files and fonts.