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How do you detect a bfcache?

How do you detect a bfcache?

Chrome DevTools can help you test your pages to ensure they’re optimized for bfcache, and identify any issues that may be preventing them from being eligible. To test a particular page, navigate to it in Chrome and then in DevTools go to Application > Back-forward Cache.

How do I turn off bfcache in Chrome?

Here’s how… When you’re in Google Chrome, click on View, then select Developer, then Developer Tools. Alternatively, you can right click on a page in Chrome, then click Inspect. Click on the Network tab, then check the box to Disable cache.

What is a forward cache?

A forward cache is a cache outside the web server’s network, e.g. in the client’s web browser, in an ISP, or within a corporate network. A network-aware forward cache only caches heavily accessed items.

What does no cache mean?

The no-cache directive means that a browser may cache a response, but must first submit a validation request to an origin server.

How do I keep my page state when the browser Back button is clicked?

3 Answers

  1. Store data in cookies.
  2. Store data in local storage.
  3. Store data in the session on the server.
  4. Make the data part of your URL (use hash or query string for the filter parameters). Note that changing query string causes page reload.

What happens if you disable cache?

Along the top of the network panel, there’s a checkbox that says “Disable Caching.” This disables browser-level caching, but only as long as the DevTools are open. So it won’t affect your normal browsing, but while working with the developer tools you won’t have to worry about stale content.

When should you not use cache?

7 Reasons Not to Put a Cache in Front of Your Database

  1. How are most cache deployments implemented?
  2. An external cache adds latency.
  3. An external cache is an additional cost.
  4. External caching decreases availability.
  5. Application complexity — your application needs to handle more cases.