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How do you promote Volke?

How do you promote Volke?

Radiant Dawn You can recruit him with Bastian or Elincia, by paying him a certain amount of gold. Most of it can be reclaimed in his Info Conversation on the next chapter. As in the end of Path of Radiance, he is an assassin. In his battle conversation with Izuka, it is revealed Volke once worked for him.

Can thieves Promote in Path of Radiance?

In Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Volke is the only Thief who can promote into an Assassin. This promotion is done without an item, and is part of the main plot, in which Volke either leaves or is rehired as an Assassin for a fee of 50,000 gold.

How do you get Kieran in Fire Emblem?

Break open the jail cells and talk to the units with the appropriate character (Oscar for Kieran and Ike for the rest). All of them except Sephiran will turn into Ally Units. If they survive the chapter then they will be recruited next chapter, even if they are not spoken to; all that is needed is to open their doors.

How do I recruit Makalov?

Path of Radiance Chapter 14: Makalov will appear as an enemy unit. Have Marcia speak to him to recruit him.

Does Sothe promote?

He promotes to Whisper in the fourth section of the game after receiving a blessing from the goddess Yune. If he and Micaiah have an “A” level support rank at the end of the game, they wed and he becomes her pillar of strength as they work tirelessly to help the poor.

How do I recruit Zihark?

Zihark can be recruited to Ike’s party if he talks to Lethe or Mordecai in Part 3 Chapter 6. He can also be recruited if he is talked to by Lethe or Mordecai, or by Brom or Ilyana with an A support in Path of Radiance in Part 3 Chapter 7 and Part 3 Endgame.

How old is Kurthnaga?

over 100 years old
Despite his young appearance and status as the youngest dragon across all the clans, he is over 100 years old.

Who talks to Makalov?

Path of Radiance Chapter 14: Makalov will appear as an enemy unit. Have Marcia speak to him to recruit him.