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How do you punctuate a list with including?

How do you punctuate a list with including?

Explanation: Use a comma before including if the sentence would be complete without the part that follows. (The same rule applies to such as.) Dan Santow explains this in more detail in his Word Wise blog.

Do you use a colon after including in a list?

1. Do not use a colon in a complete sentence after phrases such as “such as,” “including,” and “for example.” Because phrases like these already indicate to the reader that a list of examples will follow, there is no need to introduce them with a colon, which would merely be redundant.

Do you use a colon or semicolon after including?

Other tips. A few other points about ‘such as’ and ‘including’: Do not use a colon (:) after one of these terms; they are meant to directly introduce the relevant examples. It is acceptable to use a colon following a phrase such as “including the following:” at the end of a complete statement (independent clause).

Is there a comma before or after including?

Whether “including” requires a comma will depend on what the word is doing in your sentence. If it is part of a non-restrictive or unessential clause or phrase, you need a comma. On the other hand, if “including” is the start of a phrase that is essential to your sentence’s meaning, you should not add a comma.

How do you use including in a sentence followed by a list?

“I met so many interesting people, including a writer, a photographer, and an aviator.” Words like “including” or “such as” are often used to introduce examples that further explain something mentioned in the sentence. They suggest that you are going to list just a few of the relevant items.

Should there be a comma after including?

How do you use including?

You use including to introduce examples of people or things that are part of the group of people or things that you are talking about. Thousands were killed, including many women and children.

Is there comma before including?

Do you need a comma before which includes?

Use a comma before which when it introduces a nonrestrictive phrase. Don’t use a comma before which when it’s part of a prepositional phrase, such as “in which.” Don’t use a comma before which when it introduces an indirect question.

Do you use a comma when listing 3 things?

As mentioned above, when you are listing three or more items, commas should separate each element of the list. However, the final comma—the one that comes before the and—is optional. This comma is called the serial comma or the Oxford comma. Whether or not you use the serial comma is a style choice.

How to use “including” followed by a list?

Enter formatting for number: You can type the text for the line number as you want it to appear in this box.

  • Number style for this level: Use this dropdown to change the style of the selected number level.
  • Include level number from: Use this dropdown to include the number from a previous level.
  • What punctuation do you use when making a list?

    put a semicolon at the end of each point;

  • use ‘and’ after the second-to-last point; and
  • finish with a full stop.
  • How to use “including” in a sentence?

    Punctuation Particulars. As with man y comma related questions,the answer depends on whether the phrase in question is restrictive or non-restrictive.

  • Identifying Instances.
  • Let’s Practice!
  • What are the 14 punctuation marks you need to know?

    Sentence Endings. Three of the fourteen punctuation marks are appropriate for use as sentence endings.

  • Comma,Semicolon,and Colon.
  • Dash and the Hyphen.
  • Brackets,Braces,and Parentheses.
  • Apostrophe,Quotation Marks and Ellipsis.
  • British vs.
  • Make your writing clear.