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How do you qualify for Miss Michigan?

How do you qualify for Miss Michigan?

Must not be married, never have been married, and never have had a marriage annulled. Must never have given birth to a child, can not be pregnant or be a parent. Must be of good health and moral character. Must be a Citizen of the United States.

How old do you have to be to be Miss Michigan?

Requirements To Qualify: Be at least 17 years old and entering your senior year of high school. Be no older than 25 on December 31st of the year you could be chosen to represent Michigan in the National Finals. Be single, never been married. Live, work full time, or attend school full time in Michigan.

How do I get tickets to the Miss Michigan pageant?

Candidates range from 19 to 26 years old. Tickets: Tickets to attend the Outstanding Teen and Miss Michigan competitions are $38 each night. They can be purchased at the Frauenthal Box Office, by phone 231-727-8001 or online at eTix.

Where are the pageant questions asked in the interview?

Further explanation: The majority of the pageant questions you will be asked in interview will be from your pageant paperwork (unless you live in the UK or other countries that do not have paperwork). Out of these pageant questions the vast majority of pageant questions will be centered around the “interesting facts” section of your paperwork.

How much money do Miss Michigan winners get?

Why: Winners of the Miss Michigan competition receive scholarship money of $10,000 to the title winner, $4,000 to the runner-up, $3,000 to the second runner-up, $2,000 to the third runner-up, $1,500 to the fourth runner-up and $1,000 to the other seven semi-finalists.

Why doesn’t my pageant coach know who my Judges are?

Your pageant coach doesn’t know who your judges are anymore than you do and therefore are not able to predict what pageant questions they will ask and how they will respond to your answers. Heck, even if I knew who your judges were I would not be able to tell you that information.