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How do you stain blood film with Giemsa?

How do you stain blood film with Giemsa?

Staining procedure 1: Thin Film staining

  1. On a clean dry microscopic glass slide, make a thin film of the specimen (blood) and leave to air dry.
  2. dip the smear (2-3 dips) into pure methanol for fixation of the smear, leave to air dry for 30seconds.
  3. Flood the slide with 5% Giemsa stain solution for 20-30 minutes.

Which stain is applicable for blood films?

Romanowsky-type stain
Blood films are routinely stained with a Romanowsky-type stain (e.g., Wright or Wright-Giemsa) either manually or using an automatic slide stainer. Romanowsky-type stains are composed of a mixture of eosin and oxidized methylene blue (azure) dyes.

How many minutes will you stain your slide when you use a 2.5% Giemsa?

45-60 minutes
Place slides into the working Giemsa stain (2.5%) for 45-60 minutes. Remove thin smear slides and rinse by dipping 3-4 times in the Giemsa buffer. Thick smears should be left in buffer for 5 minutes. Dry the slides upright in a rack.

How we prepare and stain the blood film?

For thick film preparations a small drop of blood is placed on a glass slide and spread to approximately four times its original surface. After extensive drying, best done at 50 to 60°C for 7 to 10 minutes, the slides can be stained. The cells wash off the slide if insufficiently dried.

How Giemsa stain is prepared?

Giemsa stain preparation

  1. Dissolve 3.8g of Giemsa powder within 250ml of methanol.
  2. Heat the solution at 60oC.
  3. Add 250ml of glycerin.
  4. Filter the solution.
  5. leave the solution to stand for about 1-2 months before use. Store the solution in a cool, dark place.

How do you prepare a solution of Giemsa stain?

Stock Solution:

  1. Dissolve 1g of Giemsa (MERCK) powder into 54 ml of glycerin.
  2. Heat this solution at ~60oC about 1.30h- 2h. Let cool to room temperature.
  3. Add 84 ml of methanol.
  4. Let the bottle tightly closed and protected from light for one week.
  5. Filter the solution and keep protected from light.

How long does Giemsa stain take?

3. Place slides into the working Giemsa stain (2.5%) for 45-60 minutes. 4. Remove thin smear slides and rinse by dipping 3-4 times in the Giemsa buffer.