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How does religion affect mortality?

How does religion affect mortality?

Those for whom religion was “very important” had a 4% higher hazard (HR = 1.04, 95% CI 1.01–1.07); religious affiliation was not associated with risk of mortality. Higher income and net worth were associated with a reduced hazard of mortality as were female gender, Latino ethnicity, and native birth.

Which religion is growing most in India?

Islam is the fastest-growing religion in India. Growth rate of Muslims has been consistently higher than the growth rate of Hindus, ever since the census data of independent India has been available. For example, during the 1991-2001 decade, Muslim growth rate was 29.5% (vs 19.9% for Hindus).

Which religion has the highest population in India 2019?

Religion in India

  • Hinduism (79.8%)
  • Islam (14.2%)
  • Christianity (2.3%)
  • Sikhism (1.7%)
  • Buddhism (0.7%)
  • Tribal (incl. Sarnaism, Bon, animism, Kirat Mundhum, Donyi-Polo) (0.5%)
  • Jainism (0.4%)
  • Irreligion (0.25%)

What is the religious breakdown in India?

Hindus make up 79.8% of India’s population and Muslims account for 14.2%; Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains account for most of the remaining 6%.

Which religion has highest life expectancy?

The life expectancy at birth was higher among o Christians 68.1 years (95% CI 66.44 – 69.60) than Muslims 66.0 years (95% CI 65.29 – 66.54) and Hindus 65.0 years (95% CI 64.74 -65.22). Life expectancy at birth was higher among females than among males across social groups in India.

What does mortality mean in religion?

Orthodox Christianity sees mortality as being the direct result of humanity’s sin. More a consequence than a punishment by God, we became mortal when we distanced ourselves from God by taking steps away from Him, which is how we see sin.

Is Hinduism growing in the world?

Worldwide, the Hindu population is projected to rise by 34%, from a little over 1 billion to nearly 1.4 billion, roughly keeping pace with overall population growth.

Does religion affect life expectancy?

Religion boosts lifespan by up to 6.48 years The first study showed that religious believers lived 9.45 years longer than those who did not have a religious affiliation in their obituary. After their sex and marital status had been accounted for, believers lived 6.48 years longer, on average, than non-believers.

What is mortality in Christianity?

Mortality refers to the time from birth until physical death. This is sometimes called the second estate (Abraham 3:26). Our spirit is united with our body, giving us opportunities to grow and develop in ways that were not possible in our premortal life.