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How does slum tourism benefit the community?

How does slum tourism benefit the community?

Even in the poorest areas development and innovation can take place: slum tours can showcase the economic and cultural energies of a neighborhood. They can improve our understanding of poverty and of one another – and of the world at large. Local people may support them.

What is the purpose of slum tourism?

Slum tourism, also sometimes referred to as “ghetto tourism,” involves tourism to impoverished areas, particularly in India, Brazil, Kenya, and Indonesia. The purpose of slum tourism is to provide tourists the opportunity to see the “non-touristy” areas of a country or city.

Why is slum tourism unethical?

Often dubbed as “poverty porn”, slum tourism is criticized as being voyeuristic and commercially exploitative. On the other hand, such tourism might be the only way these neglected areas receive the attention they need – at least for the time being.

What are the disadvantages of slum tourism?

Negatives of Slum Tourism:- Slum tours treat people like animals in a zoo – you stare from the outside but don’t dare get too close. Visitors aren’t interested in meaningful interaction; they just want their photos. Contact with locals is minimal. Money rarely trickles down.

What are the advantages of slums?

Slums can provide shelter and proximity to jobs, and communities are often social and supportive.

How did slum tourism develop?

Slum Tourism: Dimensions and Forms Tourism in post-apartheid South Africa started off as a niche form of tourism for politically interested travellers who wanted to visit the South Western Townships (or Soweto), which were the centre of political repression during the anti-apartheid struggle.

What is the most important factor that contributed to the popularity of slum tourism?

This interest in social issues and concern for the general human condition was one of the main motivations for slum visits that was identified by Fabian Frenzel, a professor at the University of Leicester and author of the definitive book on the topic, Slumming It: The Tourist Valorization of Urban Poverty.

When did slum tourism start?

In the early 1990s, when black South Africans began offering tours of their townships—the marginalized, racially-segregated areas where they were forced to live—to help raise global awareness of rampant human rights violations.

Why is slum tourism controversial?

Opponents of slum tourism argue that slum tours are exploitative, letting wealthy visitors marvel at the less fortunate without benefiting the community. Tourists often pay hundreds of dollars for tours. Some tour companies promise that the money will be funneled back into the community but pocket it instead.

Are poverty tours ethical?

Poverty tours—actual visits as well as literary and cinematic versions— are characterized as morally controversial trips and condemned in the press as voyeuristic endeavors.

What are the benefits of living in a slum?

There earning improve.

  • Manufacturing sectors such as textile get the required low paying labour.
  • more floor space available in slums.
  • better access to market and transport facilities as slums are usually found in/ around populous centres.
  • How slums can be improved?

    Organized urbanization – Planning & Modifying urban areas to accommodate newcomers. Legitimizing slums instead of driving them out of their homes. Improving job opportunities in rural as well as urban areas. Planning rural development along with urban development.