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How hot is summer in USA?

How hot is summer in USA?

For meteorological summer (June through August), the average temperature for the contiguous U.S. was 73.6 degrees F — 2.2 degrees above the average. Summer 2020 ended with the ranking of 4th-hottest summer on record.

Where is the hottest summer in the US?

PHILADELPHIA – Summer 2021 was the hottest on record for the contiguous United States, slightly surpassing the Dust Bowl summer of 1936 by less than 0.01 degrees Fahrenheit, according to a report released Thursday by NOAA.

Which US cities have the hottest summers?

Among the largest cities in the United States, Phoenix and Las Vegas stand out as consistently having remarkably hot weather during the months of June, July and August. This is most apparent in the number of days they endure with highs in the 100s Fahrenheit (over 37 degrees Celsius).

Which state is hottest in USA?

Hottest States in the U.S.

  1. Florida. Florida is the hottest state in the U.S., with an average annual temperature of 70.7°F.
  2. Hawaii. Hawaii is the second-hottest state in the United States, with an average annual temperature of 70.0°F.
  3. Louisiana.
  4. Texas.
  5. Georgia.

What is the hottest month in USA?

Northern Hemisphere temperatures were a third of a degree (. 19 degrees Celsius) higher than the previous record set in July 2012, which for temperature records is “a wide margin”, Sanchez-Lugo said. July is the hottest month of the year for the globe, so this is also the hottest month on record.

Where is hottest in USA?

Death Valley
Death Valley is famous as the hottest place on earth and driest place in North America. The world record highest air temperature of 134°F (57°C) was recorded at Furnace Creek on July 10, 1913.

Where is it 70 degrees year round in the world?

In Guatemala City, almost nobody owns an AC or heater. The temperature hovers around 70° fahrenheit year round.

What state has cool summers?

Coldest States in America

Rank Year Summer
1 Alaska Alaska
2 North Dakota Wyoming
3 Maine Idaho
4 Minnesota Maine

What US city has the coolest summers?

San Francisco, Calif
San Francisco, Calif. This city tops the list for having the coolest weather each day in June, July, and August. Its average daily temperature during the summer is 61 degrees Fahrenheit, versus most U.S. cities, which are at least 70 degrees F and higher.