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How is Mr Birling described?

How is Mr Birling described?

Mr Birling is described as being a “heavy looking, rather portentous man”, which immediately indicates to the audience that he has significant wealth. Much of his dialogue centres around capitalist viewpoints, as he claims that it is every man’s duty to “mind his own business and look after himself”.

How would you describe Mr Birling in Inspector Calls?

Mr Birling is a “heavy-looking man” in his mid-50s with easy manners but “rather provincial in his speech”. He is firmly capitalist, and right-wing in his political views. ​He has no concept of value other than wealth or social status, as he himself is a social climber.

What adjectives describe Mrs Birling?

Birling. Arrogant, Conceited (excessively proud, in terms of status), Pompous (self important – in how she values her surname) , Haughty (arrogantly superior), Imprudent (not caring about the consequences of an action), Overbearing.

What type of person is Mr Birling?

Mr Birling represents greedy businessmen who only care for themselves. Priestley uses him to show the audience that the Eva Smiths of the world will continue to suffer if people like Birling remain in positions of power.

How is Mr Birling presented?

In the opening of Act One, Priestley presents Birling as an arrogant and ignorant individual. The description of Mr Birling as a ‘heavy-looking, rather portentous man’ indicates that the character is a large presence and conducts himself with a pompous air.

How is Mr Birling presented as selfish?

One instance of selfishness is with the Birling family, who appear to live in their own “comfortable” bubble of wealth and avarice, which inhibits and warps their views of the world. For instance, the stage directions describe the “suburban” Birling family home as “pink and intimate”.

How is Mr Birling presented selfish?

Which adjectives describe Mrs Birling at the end of the play?

Remorseless/ unrepentant = At the end of the play, she has had to come to terms that her son is a heavy drinker who got a girl pregnant and stole money to support her, her daughter will not marry a good social ‘catch’ and that her own reputation within the town will be sullied.

How is Mr Birling arrogant?

How is Mr Birling selfish?

He refuses to believe that he is responsible for being involved with the case as it would have a big impact on his social status and reputation and this highlights his selfishness and his obsession with society.

How is Mr Birling described in the stage directions?

In the initial stage directions for the play An Inspector Calls, the character Mr. Birling is presented as a “heavy looking, rather portentous man in his middle fifties with fairly easy manners but rather provincial in his speech.” This suggests that Mr.

How is Mr Birling presented as foolish?

Priestley uses dramatic irony to make Mr Birling look unreliable and foolish as he is wrong about the Titanic, war and labour. Priestley does this to make the audience distrust Mr Birling. If Mr Birling is wrong about history, his capitalist views may also be wrong.

How many adjectives to describe Mr Birling’s character?

A group of teachers sharing quality resources. Just a short wordsearch to introduce 18 adjectives to describe Mr Birling’s character. Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions.

How is Mr Birling described in the introduction?

Mr Birling is a “heavy-looking man” in his mid-50s with easy manners but “rather provincial in his speech”. He is firmly capitalist, and right-wing in his political views.

How greedy is Mr Birling?

It is clear here that Mr Birling is driven by money, he is a capitalist. The fact that he sees his daughter’s engagement as a chance to push for ‘lower costs and higher prices’ shows just how greedy he is. He does not consider the impact ‘higher prices’ might have on anyone else, he just wants more money.

Who is Mr Birling in the Great Gatsby?

Who is Mr birling? Stubborn and selfish, Mr Birling is presented as the typical capitalist during the early 20th century. Having a wife as his social superior and relentlessly talking about business, Mr Birling has a clear obsession with climbing further and further up the rigid ladder of the social hierarchy.