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How much snow is there in Grand Marais?

How much snow is there in Grand Marais?

56.4 in
Climate Averages

Grand Marais, Minnesota United States
Snowfall 56.4 in. 27.8 in.
Precipitation 99.9 days 106.2 days
Sunny 182 days 205 days
Avg. July High 70.5° 85.8°

How cold does it get in Grand Marais Minnesota?

Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 8°F to 69°F and is rarely below -13°F or above 78°F.

What is the temperature of Lake Superior in Grand Marais?

Lake Superior’s current water temperature is 37°F.

How much snow is in Ely MN?

Climate Averages

Ely, Minnesota United States
Snowfall 63.4 in. 27.8 in.
Precipitation 128.3 days 106.2 days
Sunny 179 days 205 days
Avg. July High 78.5° 85.8°

Which is the coldest lake in the world?

Lake Baikal is unique in a number of other ways too. It is the world’s oldest, coldest lake, and around 80% of its animal species are endemic (not found anywhere else). U.S. U.S.

How much snow did Brainerd MN get?

The Brainerd Lakes Area experienced a major weather event with 8-10 inches of snowfall across the entire lakes area.

How much snow does Ely Nevada get?

Climate Averages

Ely, Nevada United States
Snowfall 48.2 in. 27.8 in.
Precipitation 68.0 days 106.2 days
Sunny 238 days 205 days
Avg. July High 86.6° 85.8°

What is the deepest spot in Lake Superior?

1,300 feet
The deepest point in Lake Superior (about 40 miles north of Munising, Michigan) is 1,300 feet (400 meters) below the surface.

What is deepest lake in us?

Crater Lake
At 1,943 feet (592 meters), Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the United States and one of the deepest in the world. The depths were first explored thoroughly in 1886 by a party from the U.S. Geological Survey.

What is deepest lake in world?

Lake Baikal
Lake Baikal (5,315 feet [1,620 meters]) Lake Baikal, in Siberia, holds the distinction of being both the deepest lake in the world and the largest freshwater lake, holding more than 20% of the unfrozen fresh water on the surface of Earth.

What’s the warmest Lake Superior gets?

On Tuesday, the waters atop Lake Superior reached the highest temperature ever recorded. The lake-wide average surface temperature hit 68.3 degrees.