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Is Lao an ethnicity?

Is Lao an ethnicity?

The Lao people are a Tai ethnic group native to Southeast Asia, who speak the eponymous language of the Kra–Dai languages. They are the majority ethnic group of Laos, making up 53.2% of the total population. The majority of Lao people adhere to Theravada Buddhism.

What is a person from Laos called?

A common mistake is to call people from Laos ‘Lao’. The correct term for people that live in Laos is ‘Laotian’. The term ‘indigenous peoples’ is not used by the Laotian government. Instead, they refer to non-Lao people as ‘ethnic minorities’.

How many ethnic groups are in Laos?

The Lao government currently recognises 160 ethnic subgroups within 50 ethnic groups.

Where did Tai come from?

The Tai appeared historically in the 1st century ad in the Yangtze River valley. Chinese pressures forced them south until they were spread throughout the northern part of Southeast Asia.

What is Laos main religion?

Theravada Buddhism is the dominant religion of the ethnic or “lowland” Lao, who constitute 53.2 percent of the overall population. According to the LFNC and MOHA, the remainder of the population comprises at least 48 ethnic minority groups, most of which practice animism and ancestor worship.

Are Laos and Thai the same?

In fact, the two languages are linguistically similar, though their writing script varies a bit. Thai is the native language of Thailand and is spoken in minority in Cambodia. The two languages, Lao and Thai depict many similarities mainly because both belong to the Tai-Kadai language family.

Are Laotian Chinese?

The Laotian Chinese are Laotian citizens of Chinese ancestry. They constitute one of the many Overseas Chinese residing in Southeast Asia. At present, they constitute an estimated 1 to 2 percent of the Laotian population.

What religion is Laos?

Is Thai a race or ethnicity?

He insinuates that the Thai are no longer a well-defined race but an ethnicity composed of many races and cultures. The biggest and most influential group are the Thai Chinese.

Is Tai and Thai the same?

As a linguistic and historical term, ‘Tai’ refers to a branch of the Tai-Kadai family, while ‘Thai’ refers specifically to the language of Thailand. Widespread as the Tai-Kadai family is, only two languages have official status as national languages: Thai in Thailand and Lao in Laos.