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What age is listen to the moon for?

What age is listen to the moon for?

Book Information

ISBN: 9780007339631
Format: Hardback
Suitable for: 11+ readers, 9+ readers
Genres: General Fiction
Recommendations: Books of the Month, eBooks, Reviewed by Children

Is listen to the moon a true story?

The story is inspired by the true story of the Lusitania, a passenger ship crossing the Atlantic from New York to Liverpool, which was torpedoed and sunk by a German U-boat in 1915.

What age is Michael Morpurgo suitable for?

Michael Morpurgo is an English author who writes fantastic books for children aged about 10-14 years. His most famous book is War Horse which has been made into a play and now a movie.

Is listen to the moon a movie?

Although Listen to the Moon is a long book every page is riveting and although it is a very sad story, like all Michael Morpurgo’s books it is full of hope. I’m sure that if you read it, it will linger in your dreams long after you have turned the last page. I will be very surprised if it isn’t made into a film.

What genre is listen to the moon?

FictionListen to the Moon / Genre

What is listen to the moon about?

Alfie and his fisherman father find a girl on an uninhabited island in the Scillies – injured, thirsty, lost… and with absolutely no memory of who she is, or how she came to be there. She can say only one word: Lucy.

Who are the main characters in listen to the moon?

The main characters of the book are young Alfie Wheatcroft and his parents: Jim and Mary. They live on the Scilly Isles where they lead their lives in the idyllic countryside. One day, Alfie stays off school to go fishing with his father and they find a homeless girl. She is ill, tired and covered in bruises.

Why is the book called Private Peaceful?

It is about a soldier called Thomas “Tommo” Peaceful, who is looking back on his life from the trenches of World War I in France. Structurally, each chapter of the book brings the reader closer to the present until the story turns to present tense.