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What are areas in ASP.NET MVC?

What are areas in ASP.NET MVC?

Area allows us to partition the large application into smaller units where each unit contains a separate MVC folder structure, same as the default MVC folder structure. For example, a large enterprise application may have different modules like admin, finance, HR, marketing, etc.

What is the controls in ASP.NET MVC?

The ASP.NET MVC Framework is a web application framework that implements the model-view-controller pattern. Based on ASP.NET, it allows software developers to build a Web application as a composition of three roles: Model, View and Controller.

What are the areas of benefits in using MVC?

Benefits of Area in MVC

  • Allows us to organize models, views and controllers into separate functional sections of the application, such as administration, billing, customer support and much more.
  • Easy to integrate with other Areas created by another.
  • Easy for unit testing.

What are the core features of ASP.NET MVC?

ASP.NET MVC lets you use features such as forms authentication and Windows authentication, URL authorization, membership and roles, output and data caching, session and profile state management, health monitoring, the configuration system, and the provider architecture.

How many types of routing are there in MVC?

MVC 5 supports a new type of routing, called attribute routing. As the name implies, attribute routing uses attributes to define routes. Attribute routing gives you more control over the URIs in your web application. The earlier style of routing, called convention-based routing, is still fully supported.

How many types of results are in MVC?

there are 13 types of results , including return file , return file result , return partial view , return content , return content result etc.

What are different types of ASP.NET server control?

ASP.NET uses five types of web controls, which are:

  • HTML controls.
  • HTML Server controls.
  • ASP.NET Server controls.
  • ASP.NET Ajax Server controls.
  • User controls and custom controls.

What are areas in ASP NET MVC?

In this article you will learn about Areas in ASP.NET MVC. Before reading this article, I highly recommend reading my previous parts: From ASP.Net MVC 2.0 Microsoft provided a new feature in MVC applications, Areas. Areas are just a way to divide or “isolate” the modules of large applications in multiple or separated MVC. like:

What’s new in ASP MVC 6?

Asp MVC 6 added new cloud computing optimization system of MVC, web API, SignalR and entity framework. Microsoft removed the dependency of system.web.dll from MVC 6 because it’s so expensive. Typically it consumes 30K memory per request/response. Right now, in MVC 6 consume 2K memory per request response. It’s too small memory consume.

What are the benefits of area in MVC?

Benefits of Area in MVC Allows us to organize models, views and controllers into separate functional sections of the application, such as administration, billing, customer support and much more. Easy to integrate with other Areas created by another. Easy for unit testing.

How do I add a controller in MVC ASP NET?

Adding Controller in Asp.Net MVC To add controller, Right click on Controller folder inside that select Add and then select Controller. After clicking on controller, new dialog will popup with the name Add Controller in that give the name to the controller and select template as “Empty MVC Controller” and click on the Add button.