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What are the characteristics of Mastigophora?

What are the characteristics of Mastigophora?

General Characteristics of Mastigophora

  • Majority of dinospores are covered by an outer armor that consists of cellulosic plates.
  • Some of the species contain colored pigments in place of chlorophyll (some of these pigments are neurotoxic)
  • Kinetoplastids contain extranuclear DNA (kinetoplast)

What are Mastigophorans?

Definition of mastigophoran : any of a subphylum (Mastigophora) of protozoans comprising forms with flagella and including many often treated as algae.

What are the characteristics of Sarcodina?

Classification of Sarcodina

  • They have a naked body, thus their shape is not rigid.
  • They use pseudopodia as locomotory appendage.
  • The cytoplasm is classified into an endo and ecto cytoplasm.
  • Contractile vesicles are present in nonpathogenic strains while they are absent in pathogenic strains.

What is the difference between Phytomastigophora and Zoomastigophora?

Phytomastigophora and Zoomastigophora are two classes of Mastigophora. Phytomastigophora contains photosynthetic plant-like single-celled flagellates while Zoomastigophora contains non-photosynthetic animal-like single-celled flagellates. Moreover, Zoomastigophora members do not contain chloroplasts in their cytoplasm.

What is the structure of Mastigophora?

flagellate, (subphylum Mastigophora), any of a group of protozoans, mostly uninucleate organisms, that possess, at some time in the life cycle, one to many flagella for locomotion and sensation. (A flagellum is a hairlike structure capable of whiplike lashing movements that furnish locomotion.)

What is the example of class Mastigophora?

Some mastigophora are parasites , which depend on the infection of a host for the completion of their life cycle. These parasites cause disease in humans and other animals. One example is the Trypanosomes, which cause African sleeping sickness and Chaga’s disease. Another example is Giardia lamblia.

What is unique about Sporozoans?

Phylum Apicomplexa: Sporozoans Sporozoans do not have flagella, cilia, or pseudopodia. They are capable of gliding movements. All sporozoans are parasites of animals and cause disease. They are also characterized by the presence of a unique cellular structure called an apical complex.

What is an example of Sarcodina?

Sarcodina/Lower classifications

What is phylum Sarcodina?

SarcomastigophoraSarcodina / Phylum

What is an example of a Zooflagellate?

RetortamonadHexamitaGiardia duodenalisGiardia
Zooflagellate/Lower classifications

How many species of Zoomastigophora are there?


Subordinate Taxa Rank Unverified
3 Family 2
4 Genus 3
23 Species 22
43 ALL 39

What are the members of Mastigophora?

Members of the phylum Mastigophora move about by using one or more whiplike flagella. The genus Euglena contains flagellated species. Members are freshwater protists with typical eukaryotic properties, including two flagella, reproduction by mitosis, and flexible nutritional requirements.