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What are the Ofcom codes?

What are the Ofcom codes?

The Ofcom Broadcasting Code (with the Cross-promotion Code and the On Demand Programme Service Rules)

  • The legislative background to the Code.
  • How to use the Code.
  • General guidance on the Code.
  • Section one: Protecting the under-eighteens.
  • Section two: Harm and offence.
  • Section three: Crime, disorder, hatred and abuse.

Who regulates television broadcasting in the UK?

Ofcom is the regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries. It regulates the TV and radio sectors, fixed line telecoms, mobiles, postal services, plus the airwaves over which wireless devices operate. Ofcom works with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport.

How is broadcasting regulated in the UK?

Regulation in the Private Sector The Broadcasting Act 1990, as amended and expanded by the Broadcasting Act 1996,7 establishes two bodies to license and regulate private broadcasting in the UK, the Radio Authority (RA) and the Independent Television Commission (ITC).

Is Ofcom taxpayer funded?

Ofcom is funded by fees from industry for regulating broadcasting and communications networks, and grant-in-aid from the UK Government for undertaking concurrent competition regulation and managing radio spectrum.

What are broadcast codes in business?

The Broadcasting Code (2017) is a code of practice issued by the Office of Communications (Ofcom) in the UK that requires standards of good conduct for broadcasters.

What are the rules of broadcasting?

Rules of Broadcasting. Broadcasting in NumPy follows a strict set of rules to determine the interaction between the two arrays: Rule 1: If the two arrays differ in their number of dimensions, the shape of the one with fewer dimensions is padded with ones on its leading (left) side.

What is the broadcasting Standards Commission?

The Broadcasting Standards Commission (BSC) (1988-2003) Its duties were to draw up and keep under review a code of practice relating to standards and fairness; to consider and adjudicate on complaints; monitor programmes, commission research and report on violence, sex and bad language.

Does Ofcom regulate BBC?

In 2017, Ofcom became the BBC’s first external regulator, and a new regulatory framework was put in place.

How is broadcast media regulated?

The body that regulates and governs the media and entertainment sector in India is enshrined in the Cable Networks Act, 1995 and the Prasar Bharti Act, 1990. These are regulated by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and Prasar Bharti.

Is Ofcom owned by the Government?

Ofcom is a statutory corporation. It is required to report annually to Parliament. Although independent of Government, Ofcom has links to the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and the Secretary of State is required to lay Ofcom’s annual report before Parliament.

Who is Ofcom owned by?

The Office of Communications (Welsh: Y Swyddfa Gyfathrebiadau), commonly known as Ofcom, is the government-approved regulatory and competition authority for the broadcasting, telecommunications and postal industries of the United Kingdom.

What is the meaning of Broadcasting Code?

What is the Ofcom Broadcasting Code?

The Ofcom Broadcasting Code (“the Code”) covers all programmes broadcast on or after 23:00 on 31 December 2020. We have also published guidance for broadcasters on the Ofcom Broadcasting Code which can be viewed in each section of the Code below.

Does the BBC comply with Ofcom standards for on-Demand programme services?

(2) In providing the UK Public On Demand Programme Services, the BBC must observe the same code so far as Ofcom determine the standards are relevant to the provision of those on-demand programme services.

Why does Ofcom publish notes to broadcasters?

Ofcom occasionally publishes notes to alert broadcasters and on demand service providers to key changes or information. This section of the Broadcasting Code outlines standards for broadcast content so as to provide adequate protection for members of the public from harmful and/or offensive material.

What does Ofcom do with complaints?

A weekly report of complaints assessed under the Broadcasting Code. To provide us with the evidence we need to carry out our duties, we carry out and publish market and consumer research, and collect data. Ofcom occasionally publishes notes to alert broadcasters and on demand service providers to key changes or information.