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What cases are passed on from the magistrates court to the Crown Court?

What cases are passed on from the magistrates court to the Crown Court?

Cases that magistrates pass to the Crown Court

  • murder.
  • rape.
  • robbery.

What is the difference between Crown Court and magistrates court?

The Crown Court – unlike the magistrates’ courts, it is a single entity – sits in 71 court centres across England and Wales. It deals with serious criminal cases which include: Cases sent for trial by magistrates’ courts because the offences are ‘indictable only’ (i.e. those which can only be heard by the Crown Court)

Is Crown higher than magistrates?

Essentially, you have the magistrates’ court at the bottom end of the scale, then the Crown Court, all the way up to the High Court, Court of Appeal and finally the Supreme Court. There are over 300 magistrates’ courts in the country and they deal with minor offences and civil matters.

What type of cases go to magistrates court?

A magistrates’ court normally handles cases known as ‘summary offences’, for example: most motoring offences. minor criminal damage. common assault (not causing significant injury)

What does it mean if a case goes to Crown Court?

Crown Court Serious crimes. Cases where the defendant (the person accused of the crime) has asked to have his case tried by a jury. Magistrates may send a case to the Crown Court if they feel they do not have the power to set a sentence as severe as the crime deserves.

Why do magistrates refer to Crown Court?

Magistrates can also decide that a case is so serious that it should be dealt with in the Crown Court – which can impose tougher sentences if the defendant is found guilty. Indictable-only offences, such as murder, manslaughter, rape and robbery. These must be heard at a Crown Court.

What cases do magistrates deal with?

Magistrates deal with three kinds of cases:

  • Summary offences. These are less serious cases, such as motoring offences and minor assaults, where the defendant is not entitled to trial by jury.
  • Either-way offences.
  • Indictable-only offences.

What happens if a case goes to Crown Court?

As highlighted above, the Crown Court only deals with the most severe criminal offences or appeals against the Magistrates’ Court. In the Crown Court you will normally be trialed by a jury who decides whether you’re guilty or not and a judge who decides on your sentence.

What does a magistrate do?

What do magistrates do? Magistrates listen carefully to all evidence given in court and follow structured decision-making processes (such as sentencing guidelines in criminal cases) and case law to reach fair decisions. They are advised on points of law by a legal adviser who sits in court with them.

What is the minimum sentence at Crown Court?

The section requires that a Crown Court shall impose a minimum sentence of: 5 years imprisonment if the offender is aged 18 or over when convicted; or, 3 years detention under s. 91 PCC(S)A 2000 (long term detention) if the offender was under 18 but over 16 when the offence was committed.

What kind of cases go to Crown Court?

Some examples of cases the Crown Court deals with include: Rape. Murder. Manslaughter….The Magistrates’ Court deals with less serious criminal offences, such as:

  • Minor criminal damage.
  • Most motoring offences, for example, speeding offences.
  • Drunk and disorderly behaviour.
  • Most drug offences.