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What did Pope John Paul II say about family?

What did Pope John Paul II say about family?

Pope Saint John Paul II exhorted the family towards a mission of safeguarding, revealing and communicating the love of Christ inwardly and outwardly as a family (See FC n. 17). Inwardly; by the mutual love and life shared between husband and wife and their children.

How did St John Paul II describe the youth like you?

John Paul II said of young people, “The Church needs your energies, your enthusiasm, your youthful ideals, in order to make the Gospel of Life penetrate the fabric of society, transforming people’s hearts and the structures of society in order to create a civilization of true justice and love.” CRS believes in …

What did Pope John Paul II quotes?

Pope John Paul II Quotes

  • Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought.
  • The future starts today, not tomorrow.
  • Do not abandon yourselves to despair.
  • Stupidity is also a gift of God, but one mustn’t misuse it.
  • Have no fear of moving into the unknown.

What does John Paul II say about love?

Blessed John Paul II defined love best when he wrote, “For love is not merely a feeling; it is an act of the will that consists of preferring, in a constant manner, the good of others to the good of oneself.”

Who said that the family is the first essential cell of human society?

Pope John XXIII
Pope John XXIII Quotes The family is the first essential cell of human society.

Who said that the family is the way of the Church?

Saint John Paul II
69. “Saint John Paul II devoted special attention to the family in his catecheses on human love, in his Letter to Families Gratissimam Sane and particularly in his Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio. In these documents, the Pope defined the family as ‘the way of the Church’.

What was the concern of St John Paul II when he called for the new evangelization?

VATICAN CITY — Pope John Paul II has called for mass mobilization of Catholics to spread church teachings in a new wave of missionary activity, particularly to the Third World and even in countries where proselytizing is forbidden by Islamic law.

What did John Paul say about our capacity to love?

“The capacity to love is determined by the fact that man is ready to seek the good consciously with others, to subordinate himself to this good because of others, or to subordinate himself to others because of this good.”

What did Pope John Paul II say about marriage?

” We cannot overlook the fact that some marriages fail. Let us not forget that God’s love for his people, Christ’s love for the church, is everlasting and can never be broken. And the convenant between a man and a woman joined in Christian marriage is as indissoluble and irrevocable as this love.