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What does it mean to say give way to?

What does it mean to say give way to?

Yield to urging or demand, as in At the last minute he gave way and avoided a filibuster, or The owners gave way to their demands for a pay increase. [

What is another word for giving way?

What is another word for give way?

surrender yield
submit succumb
capitulate acquiesce
defer accede
agree assent

What is the meaning of give way in idioms?

to agree to something that someone else wants instead of what you want. The ambassador finally gave way and accepted the proposals.

How do you use give way to in a sentence?

Examples of ‘give way to’ in a sentence give way to

  1. There had to come a time when simulation must give way to the real thing.
  2. But it soon gave way to anger.
  3. Anger gave way to fear when it struck me that it could happen again.
  4. As the shock of the disaster gives way to anger, aid workers are worrying about security.

What is a antonym for give way?

Near Antonyms for give way. inflate, rise, swell.

Is give way a phrasal verb?

Example(s) Check the phrasal verb give way in a sentence: 1. She gave way to her fears and started crying.

What is the closest meaning of concede?

Some common synonyms of concede are accord, award, grant, and vouchsafe. While all these words mean “to give as a favor or a right,” concede implies yielding something reluctantly in response to a rightful or compelling claim.

What does give way mean UK?

C1 UK. (US yield) to allow other vehicles to go past before you move onto a road: You have to give way to traffic coming from the right.

What is the meaning of give away phrasal verb?

1. phrasal verb. If you give away something that you own, you give it to someone, rather than selling it, often because you no longer want it. He was giving his collection away for nothing. [

What does the phrase given away mean?

1. phrasal verb. If you give away something that you own, you give it to someone, rather than selling it, often because you no longer want it. He was giving his collection away for free.

What does give way to tears mean?

1. to step aside for; yield to. to give free expression to. to give way to tears. See full dictionary entry for way.

Is leading to synonym?

Similar words for leading to: cause (verb) clue (verb) engender (verb) entail (verb)