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What does platysma mean?

What does platysma mean?

noun, plural pla·tys·mas, pla·tys·ma·ta [pluh-tiz-muh-tuh], Anatomy. a broad, thin muscle on each side of the neck, extending from the upper part of the shoulder to the corner of the mouth, the action of which wrinkles the skin of the neck and depresses the corner of the mouth.

What is the function of the platysma?

The platysma is responsible for drawing the skin around the lower part of your mouth down or out, which creases the skin in your lower face, according to the Loyola University Medical Education Network.

What is the platysma of the neck?

The platysma is a thin sheet-like muscle that lies superficially within the anterior aspect of the neck. It arises in the upper thoracic and shoulder regions from a fascia that covers the pectoralis major and deltoid muscles.

Where is your platysma?

Dissimilar to other muscles of the body that lie deep to the subcutaneous tissue, the platysma is located within the subcutaneous tissue of the neck (superficial layer of the cervical fascia). Its superficial position means that surgical dissections of the neck must acknowledge the underlying neurovascular structures.

What type of muscle is the platysma?

voluntary muscle
The platysma, innervated by the facial nerve, is a thin, sheet-like voluntary muscle. Origin: the muscle has a broad origin with fibers arising from the fascia of the upper thorax including the clavicle, acromial region, pectoralis major and deltoid muscles.

What movement does the platysma perform?

The actions of the platysma muscle include pulling down the mandible, which opens the mouth, and pulling the corners of the lips out to the side and down, which forms a frown. Additionally, the platysma muscle can form wrinkles in the neck as a person ages and their skin becomes less elastic and starts to sag.

What is the smile muscle?

The Muscle Used in Smiling — Zygomaticus Major. Known as the Smiling Muscle, the zygomaticus major is most responsible for our smile. It works in conjunction with up to 43 other facial muscles to provide a wide array of smiles.

What are neck bands called?

Neck bands, also called platysma bands, are a consequence of the aging neck. In youth, the flat muscle that surrounds the front of the neck is called the platysma muscle.

Which muscle is responsible for closing the eye?

The orbicularis oculi muscles circle the eyes and are located just under the skin. Parts of this muscle act to open and close the eyelids and are important muscles in facial expression.

What’s the kissing muscle?

Orbicularis oris
Orbicularis oris muscle

Orbicularis oris
Nerve cranial nerve VII, buccal branch
Actions It is sometimes known as the kissing muscle because it is used to pucker the lips.
Latin musculus orbicularis oris

What is turkey neck?

“Turkey neck” happens when the neck muscles begin to weaken and the skin loses elasticity. The loose skin can become droopy and wrinkled, drawing unflattering comparisons to the neck of a turkey. Age and sun exposure are the main culprits of sagging skin.

What is the origin of the word platysma?

Origin of platysma 1685–95;

Where does the platysma lie in the body?

Typically, muscles in the body lie deep to the skin and layers of subcutaneous tissue, otherwise known as the superficial fascia. The platysma is one muscle that does not.

What is the platysma muscle used for?

With the platysma muscle, an individual can slightly part the mouth and draw out the corners of the lips to the side and down. These movements are used when negative emotions like fear and fright are conveyed.

What does the platysma contribute to the facial expression?

It is important to note that the platysma contributes to the formation of the modiolus, which is a fibromuscular chiasm of facial muscles found in the corners of the mouth. Thereby, the platysma contributes to the formation of the orbicularis oris complex along with other muscles of facial expression.