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What does urogenital diaphragm mean?

What does urogenital diaphragm mean?

Urogenital diaphragm: is the name given to deep transverse perineal and sphincter urethrae with inferior fascia is known as the urogenital diaphragm.

What gland is adjacent to the urogenital diaphragm?

Cowper glands are paired structures located in the urogenital diaphragm near the apex of the prostate and composed of lobules of mucinous acini in a back-to-back arrangement (Fig. 14A. 99). They are associated with excretory ducts and are frequently surrounded by skeletal muscle.

Do females have urogenital diaphragm?

The urethra and the vagina, though part of the pouch, are usually said to be passing through the urogenital diaphragm, rather than part of the diaphragm itself. Some researchers still assert that such a diaphragm exists, and the term is still used in the literature.

What is the difference between urogenital diaphragm and pelvic diaphragm?

The urogenital diaphragm is external and inferior to the pelvic diaphragm. The pelvic diaphragm is a wide but thin muscular layer of tissue that forms the inferior border of the abdominopelvic cavity.

Which part of the urethra is within the urogenital diaphragm?

The membranous urethra lies within the urogenital diaphragm surrounded by the sphincter urethrae muscle and is the least dilatable portion of the urethra. The prostatic and membranous urethra are lined with transitional epithelium. The spongy (cavernous) urethra is enclosed in the corpus spongiosum.

Which muscle is part of the urogenital diaphragm and constricts the urethra?

The urogenital diaphragm is composed of two muscles: the deep transverse perineal muscle and the urethral sphincter.

Is perineal membrane and urogenital diaphragm same?

The perineal membrane is an anatomical term for a fibrous membrane in the perineum. The term “inferior fascia of urogenital diaphragm”, used in older texts, is considered equivalent to the perineal membrane….

Perineal membrane
TA98 A09.5.03.002
TA2 2444
FMA 30514
Anatomical terminology

Does urine and sperm come from the same hole?

This long tube is located near each testicle and moves the sperm from your danglers to the vas deferens. Vas deferens. This tube connects the epididymis and urethra, which is the hole that urine and semen exit the body through.

Is urogenital diaphragm same as deep perineal pouch?

Older texts have asserted the existence of a “urogenital diaphragm”, which was described as a layer of the pelvis that separates the deep perineal sac from the upper pelvis. The deep perineal pouch lies between the inferior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm and superior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm.

What muscle stops urine flow?

The internal urethral sphincter regulates involuntary control of urine flow from the bladder to the urethra, and the external urethral sphincter provides voluntary control of urine flow from the bladder to the urethra.

What is the urethra function in females?

The female urethra is a relatively simple tubular structure that has the sole purpose of conducting urine from the bladder to the outside of the body.

What is the urogenital diaphragm?

The urogenital diaphragm, also called the triangular ligament, is a strong, muscular membrane that occupies the area between the symphysis pubis and ischial tuberosities ( Fig. 3.31) and stretches across the triangular anterior portion of the pelvic outlet. The urogenital diaphragm is external and inferior to the pelvic diaphragm.

What nerve innervates the urogenital diaphragm?

They are innervated by the perineal branch of the pudendal nerve. The urogenital diaphragm, also called the triangular ligament, is a strong, muscular membrane that occupies the area between the symphysis pubis and ischial tuberosities ( Fig. 3.31) and stretches across the triangular anterior portion of the pelvic outlet.

Where is the urethral sphincter located?

Just anterior to the deep transverse perineal muscles is the urethral sphincter muscle, which forms a circular ring around the urethra in both sexes; in females it also encircles the vagina. Small slips of muscle leave this ring laterally to insert onto the inferior pubic ramus.

What is the function of the urethra?

The urethra is a tube extending from the urinary bladder, through the floor of the pelvic cavity (“urogenital diaphragm”), and then through the length of the penis to its external opening (the urethral orifice). Thus, the urethra serves as a passageway for urine.