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What have been some of the major consequences of the deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill?

What have been some of the major consequences of the deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill?

The changes that led to this lack of space, as well as changes to the institutionalization process, have made it impossible for people with severe mental illness to find appropriate care and shelter, resulting in homelessness or “housing” in the criminal justice system’s jails and prisons [6].

What does deinstitutionalization mean in mental health?

Deinstitutionalization is the procedure of shifting the care and support from long-stay psychiatric hospitals to community mental health services for patients diagnosed with severe mental disorders (1).

How did deinstitutionalization affect the local community?

Thus deinstitutionalization has helped create the mental illness crisis by discharging people from public psychiatric hospitals without ensuring that they received the medication and rehabilitation services necessary for them to live successfully in the community.

What is the purpose of deinstitutionalization?

The goal of deinstitutionalization was to allow people with psychological disorders to be treated in the least restrictive environment.

What are the benefits of deinstitutionalization?

List of the Pros of Deinstitutionalization

  • It gave people the same rights as anyone else who was sick.
  • It created options for localized care.
  • It provides an opportunity for more family involvement.
  • It placed the focus on treatment instead of separation.
  • It allowed people to fare better than they would when marginalized.

What are the positive and negative aspects of deinstitutionalization?

Findings. The positive effects pertain to the quality of life of people with disabilities after deinstitutionalisation. They learned adaptive skills and receive better care. Negative effects relate to more criminal behaviour by the target groups, victimisation of the target groups and physical health issues.

What was the main goal of deinstitutionalization?

The goal of deinstitutionalization was the large-scale elimination of the long-term care, state-run, residential facilities for the mentally ill (Pow, Baumeister, Hawkins, Cohen, & Garand, 2015).

What are the advantages of deinstitutionalization?