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What is a 12 week disregard?

What is a 12 week disregard?

• If you move to live in a care home and own your previous home, the value of your former. main home will not be taken into account in your financial assessment during the first 12 weeks of your permanent stay in a care home. This is known is a 12-week property disregard.

What is discretionary disregard?

A Discretional Disregard is exactly they, the LA have to decide to give away money because they think it’s the best thing to do, when they utilise it they’re effectively giving away the house’s value for nothing.

How do I stop selling my home to pay for care?

If you or your spouse / partner (or certain other people) want to continue living in your home, then you’ll avoid having to sell up to pay for care. You and/or any qualifying dependants who live in your home have the right to stay there indefinitely, and can’t be forced to sell up to pay for your care.

How much savings are you allowed before paying for a care home in Scotland?

In Scotland, you need to have capital below £18,000 to be eligible for maximum support and in Wales, anyone with capital under £50,000 will receive fully funded care from the local authority. If your savings or income fall below the threshold, the local authority should start paying for some or all of your care.

Do you have to pay back the 12 week disregard?

At the end of the 12-week period, or when you sell your property if this is sooner, the value will no longer continue to be disregarded, and it is likely that you will need to pay the full costs of your care until your capital drops below the funding threshold.

What is the 12 week disregard for care home fees?

If we take your home into account we will ignore its value for up to 12 weeks, starting from the date you first became a permanent resident. We call this the ’12 week property disregard’. You will have to contribute towards your care costs during this period from income and other capital.

Can I put my house in trust to avoid care home costs?

Going Into Care With Your House In Trust The trouble with trust schemes is that if you put your property in trust, then go into a residential care home or a nursing home, your home is no longer owned by you – it is not part of your capital and cannot therefore be used to fund your care home fees.

What is mandatory property disregard?

7. The property disregard under Paragraph 2(b)(ii) is mandatory and a local authority must disregard a property where the conditions are met. In order for a property to be disregarded it must be occupied as their main or only home by a qualifying relative.

Do you have to pay back the 12-week disregard?

What is a 12-week property disregard period?

When a 12-week property disregard period applies, the Council will not include the value of your home in your financial assessment and will help to pay your care costs: until the date on which you sell your home if you sell it during the 12 week period.

What is the 12-week disregard for care costs?

If you enter permanent care and initially pay your care fees without local authority assistance, the 12-week disregard should be applied from the date you subsequently qualify for local authority assistance if you have not sold your property.

When does a care home have to disregard property for residents?

The local authority must disregard property for all residents for the first 12 weeks of being a permanent resident in a care home funded by the local authority. If your stay was initially temporary the 12 weeks run from the date it is decided your care is permanent.

What happens if my property is sold within 12 weeks?

If your property is sold within this 12-week period the disregard ceases to have effect from the date of sale and the proceeds will be counted as capital.