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What is a DOT 406?

What is a DOT 406?

A DOT 406 tank IS AUTHORIZED for the transport of Gasoline and AvGas (UN1203) on public roadways per FEDERAL transportation requirements. The US transportation legislation which governs the transport of hazardous materials such as fuel is the Hazardous Materials Table found in Title 49 CFR §172.101.

How often must cargo tanks be pressure tested?

once every 5 years
(See § 180.417(c) for reporting requirements.) (4) All pressure bearing portions of a cargo tank heating system employing a medium such as, but not limited to, steam or hot water for heating the lading must be hydrostatically pressure tested at least once every 5 years.

Which is the best example of secondary contamination?

Nonionizing radiation causes chemical changes at the atomic level. A responder has come in contact with a hazardous material by handling a tool that was used to stop a leak. This is an example of: secondary contamination.

What does a dot 407 carry?

MC-307/DOT 407 tankers are a usually a horseshoe shape when viewed from the rear. They carry vegetable oils, syrups, and milk and they also carry solvents, lubricants, mild corrosives, etc. The horseshoe shape tanks are insulated the shape you see is the thin aluminum insulation shell cover.

What is a MC 331?

Specification MC 331; cargo tank motor vehicle primarily for transportation of compressed gases as defined in subpart G of part 173 of this subchapter.

What is secondary contamination?

Secondary contamination is the transfer of the contaminate by personnel exposed to the original source. This may occur by fluid or vapor exposure particularly with nerve agents or those which are persistent such as VX.

What is a DOT 412?

DOT 412 – Pressure -5 to 25 psi Exterior strengthening (stiffer) rings often visible. Lined tank – usually lined with rubber or plastic. Round cross-section. Stainless steel is primary material of construction. May be insulated, insulation may hide tank shape.